Good-For-You Green Juice

Good-for-you Green Smoothie

Good-for-you Green Smoothie

I found a simple green smoothie recipe on Pinterest and since I had all the ingredients in my fridge at the time, I decided to try it immediately. This was about 3 weeks ago. I have been drinking green smoothies at least 5 times a week ever since.

My biggest surprise was that the smoothie didn’t taste like I imagined it to with all that green stuff. It was delicious.

In my online research I’ve realized that there is no real right or wrong way to make a green smoothie and you should make your experience as fun as possible by experiementing with the fruits and veggies you like.

Here is the basic recipe I tried initially, after you decide if you like it or not and I bet you’ll probably like it better than you think…you can feel free to jazz it up and make it more you.

Basic recipe:
6oz plain Greek yogurt
2 handfuls of spinach
1 banana (it can be frozen, this will give the smoothie an ice-creamy texture/taste)

This makes about 16oz


2 bananas makes a sweeter smoothie

I’ve tried different kinds of fruit: mango, pineapple and berries (frozen) and apples.

Of course if you use berries it will change the colour of your smoothie, still tastes great though.

Greens: Broccoli, Lettuse, Kale, Spinach, Celery

Ground Flax meal, soaked oats, even prunes for more fiber

I have also tried adding coconut milk to it. I used the milk in its natural state and I didn’t like that the spinach didn’t puree to its usual fine texture. I could still see the bits of spinach and that turned me off. So I decided to freeze the rest of the milk I had left in an ice cube tray and use maybe 2-3 cubes when I make my smoothie for the rest of the week. This worked out better than my last try. Smoothie tasted just as yummy.

I usually have my Green Smoothie for breakfast and if I have an early morning Spin class I follow it up mid-morning with an egg and a slice of toast. I’ve found, I’m not very hungry after I have my smoothie so if I have Spin at lunch I will have an apple for my mid-morning meal/snack.

There are lots of vitamins and minerals, enzymes and amino acids for healthy skin, hair, nails and teeth. In this drink form, you absorb the good stuff easily without having to eat a big salad. Who doesn’t like that?

Remember to have fun with your ingredients and enjoy doing somehting great for you body everyday.