7 for SEVEN

 As February began…so it ends…on a Monday!

20160228_120322HAPPY LEAP DAY EVERYONE! I hope you made the most of this “extra” day.

This has been the best February of my life! I’m going to share with you in photos some of the things that has been happening this month. All of which has lead to some amazing experiences, great connections and plenty plenty love.

The FOCUS this month was on starting and moving forward…and not worrying about the destination. I was more concerned about “taking the next little step” than where those steps are leading me. And I am proud to say that progress – though small – has been made in the directions of my dreams.

…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~Key + Arrow

7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and now let’s get into my 7 for this week [with some photos to add some perspective]:

The little light that is now shining for all the world to see. I AM OFFICIALLY AN AUNTY! I am one big ball of happy right now…because our family has been blessed with this pure light. It’s been 4 days of amazement and I am feeling aaaall the feels. Because I cannot share the photo I really want to share, I will share one that kinda says how I feel.


Taking back all the bad things I ever thought about over-eager parents who over-share about their children on social media.  I.get.it.now. I want to show off our little treasure. I want the world to see and echo a collective “awww” when they see that cute little face that I just want to love up. I get it parents. I get it aunties. And I am officially sorry for all the bad things I ever thought about your kiddie pix.

This Love I feel. I have never felt this way before – excited, awed, protective, joyful, hopeful with a healthy dose of fear all bubbling together for this tiny human. The thing that amazes me about the depth of this feeling is that…I’m the aunt. Not the mother. So I can only imagine what THAT feeling must be like. And I am looking forward to it.

Learning to make peace with colouring outside the lines. Soooo one of sweetest people I know gave me a colouring book with crayons as a Christmas/New Year/Galentines Day present. By the end of the first weekend with the book…my thumbs were sore from colouring. I forgot how much fun that activity was. And just how much I enjoy bringing a page to life with colour. The downside with “adult” coloring books…is that the designs are intricate. Tiny lines and fat crayons can make for some frustrating moments. But…I’m learning to let go of the need to stay in the lines and I’m pretty happy with my result.

20160229_204404Still sticking with my fitness plan. So proud of that myself that two months into 2016, I’m still making good decisions when it comes to diet and exercise. I’m not going to lie…some days it is a bitch to work all day and then go work out but I’m sticking with it. I feel better when I do.

Which brings me to (because random and I deserve it for sticking with my sensible eating plan thus far) – Homemade Coconut Ice Cream. An extra special treat is homemade ice cream…but there is something heavenly about homemade coconut ice cream. When it is made well…it’s the perfect mix of coconut (real coconut) milk and sweetness. That’s a two-scoop cup below. I had all of it and I’m satisfied to report that it was fantastic.


And finally, I am grateful for my very own blue bird of happiness. 20160229_193910

I hope that by continuing to pay attention to the little things, the mundane details that make up all the blessings in my life and by sowing the seeds of faith and gratitude, I can truly carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate you! This is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire.

Make those seconds count!

I love hearing from you…what are you grateful today? How is 2016 shaping up for you? Feel free to share below!

7 for SEVEN


Don’t you just love it when a month begins on a Monday?

So folks, we are in February. It’s Day 32 of 2016. There are 334 days left in the year. If you’re like me…then January was more of a waiting for the dust to settle, things are out of sync, I made all my lists but I still can’t seem to start kinda month. The struggle was too real.

That’s why I’m using the energy of firsts – first day of the work week, first day of a new month and first 7 for Seven for the year – to get going once again and FOCUS.

…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~ Key + Arrow

7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and now let’s get into my first 7 for 2016:

Starting. It’s been a struggle to get going. The year started with promise and but a lot remained the same – same shit stress, new year – so I spent the better part of January, trying to get my bearings and now that I’ve achieved a level of ‘normalcy’ it’s time to just start already. So here’s to starting small with joyful hope for great things ahead.

The little light that is glowing and growing. My family is witnessing our own little miracle and I am truly grateful that I can even type this today. Only God knows what the future holds but for now…today…in this moment we are awed and hopeful.

Adulting. The struggle is real! There are no guide books on how to manoeuver this phase in life. You’re pretty much making it up as you go…mostly by making mistakes and learning from them. When you don’t learn the lesson…that shit comes back to bite you on the ass until you do. Here’s to learning my lessons well.

Which brings me to learning that Not Everything Is About Me. Everybody is fighting their own battle, their own demons. And most times, they are caught up in their own drama. So don’t take things personally. Learning to let some things go will be the best skill you can develop. I’m learning this the hard way…but I am learning.

Sticking with my fitness plan. On my vision board for 2015, I put ‘hire Personal Trainer’ as one of my goals. While I didn’t exactly hire a ‘personal’ trainer, I have joined a group of fitness seekers like myself and our trainers are actually sadists in sweats. (Stay tuned for a full recap of my 16-week odyssey.)  Sadists they might be, but 10 weeks in, I am pleased to say that I’m seeing positive results.

Conquering mountains. 2016 started with me rekindling some old loves. This included my love for hiking. Our group explored Mt. Tabor and you can read all about it here. Climbing this mountain was more than just exploring a new place and getting the best photo op. It was about starting again. As I wrote in that post, “you have this one, short life. Sometimes, it’s going to be uphill and you might have obstacles in your path to crawl over. And sometimes it will be nice and shady and some moments will take your breath away. Sometimes you will need to ask for help. You will fall and you will get up. And yes, you can go it alone…but it is far more fun to travel with friends, people you love, people you can belly laugh with. Getting to the top is only part of the fun. And oh so worth it! But you will never know, unless you take the first step forward. You have to start.”

And finally, I am grateful for my brother because he listens.

I hope that by continuing to pay attention to the little things, the mundane details that make up all the blessings in my life and by sowing the seeds of faith and gratitude, I can truly carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate you! This is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire.

Make those seconds count!

I love hearing from you…what are you grateful today? How is 2016 shaping up for you? Feel free to share below!

7 for SEVEN

7 for (1)

Hello Loves! It’s been hot and hectic for the last few days. But here in the this space on a Monday…the show must go on.

…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~ Key + Arrow

7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and I have adopted the practice and it has really changed my life in positive ways. My 7 this week is all about the little things, I sometimes take for granted and one HUGE thing I am super grateful for:

Kindness from a stranger. A HUGE thank you to the very kind cashier at the grocery this weekend, who saved me from a really embarrassing situation involving $5.00 Saying I was grateful is putting it mildly. Note to self: Must pay it forward.

Air-conditioning. Because I live on an island in the blazing hot sun.

Waking up before my alarm. Somehow, it feels like I have a few extra minutes of snuggling deeper under the covers.

Good coffee. There is no simpler pleasure.

Your Order Has Been Shipped. Best. Email. Ever.

My brother and sister. So much is happening right now is our lives but the love and support never wavers. I am blessed to have these two people in my life.

Love. Whenever, I start to feel like there is a lack…I am reminded of just how blessed I truly am.

3.5 pull-ups. Soooo when I started my new training program at the gym, I could only do 2 pull-ups unassisted. After 6 weeks of training my arms which sometimes feel like they have all the strength of TRex arms…I am up to 3.5 pull-ups. Now I wanted to round this up to 4 eh…but that would be cheating and I worked damn hard for that 1.5. My goal is to do 5 unassisted. So baby steps.

Coming home to a made bed. This little habit has improved my life so much. Sometimes it really is the little things that make you happy.

I hope that by continuing to pay attention to these little things, the mundane details that make up all the blessings in my life and by sowing the seeds of faith and gratitude, I can truly carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the day and well into the week ahead.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate you! This is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire.

Make those seconds count!

I love hearing from you…what are you grateful today? What made you smile? Feel free to share below!

7 for SEVEN

7 for (1)

Hellooo August!!!

As we start a new month and for a me – a new year I would like to share with you how this gratitude practice came into being…

…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~ Key + Arrow

7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and I have adopted the practice and it has really changed my life in positive ways. Here are my 7 simple positives for this week:

Avocado Toast. Cumin and olive oil just takes this to the next level! Try it and get your life!!!IMG_20150801_102820

Another Birthday.

Blue Moons. July 31 I was fortunate to capture this spectacle – a second full moon in a calendar month. A powerful reminder to follow my heart and get my rebel on. IMG_20150731_195051

Coffee with friends.

Happy tummies and hearts. The remnants of a lunch hour well spent!

Breakfast surprises!

Homemade Tiramisu. The best kind!

I hope that by continuing to pay attention to the little things, the mundane details that make up all the blessings in my life and by sowing the seeds of faith and gratitude, I can truly carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead and well into this new year of life.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate you! This is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire.

Make those seconds count!

I love hearing from you…what are you grateful today? What made you smile? Feel free to share below!


Instagram is my favourite place to connect.
FOLLOW ME there and say HI!!!

7 for SEVEN

7 for (1)

Hello Loves!!!

July is winding down and we’re getting closer and closer to the most fantastic day of the year – my birthday!!! Whoo hoo.

As it happens every year around this time, I get all reflective about the last 12 months and the experiences that have brought me to this very moment.

My 7 for this week is a (very small) compilation of few of my favourite things over the last 12 months:

Family. I am who I am today because of the support and encouragement of my family. If not for them I cannot say where I would be today. I don’t even want to think about it.

Friends. A friend of mine said to me recently that there is no such thing as an independent person. We all need something or someone – whether it is family, friends or a significant other. We all need that intimacy that comes with knowing someone you can be who you are 100%…no judgment. I am so blessed to have cultivated authentic relationships – especially over the last couple years – where I am me and that is enough. My Cohort of Awesome has been my safe place and I am grateful for all of you.

YOU. My dear reader. Jeff Goins said, “Most writers struggle with the same thing, one thought that threatens to destroy their message before it ever leaves their fingertips: what I say doesn’t matter.” This is a major fear of mine – who am I to have a blog? What do I really have to say? I struggle to even call myself a writer. But you continue to read. You continue to support. And I am grateful. Thank you.

Travel. NYC x2, London, Bristol, Miami, Washington D.C. – the travel bug bit me hard in 2015. It is has been a fantastic year for new experiences and lots and lots of good coffee. The downside is that now I crave more new experiences.

Love. One of my favourite quotes came from a Nayyirah Waheed poem,
“i am mine.
before i am ever anyone else’s.”
I am reminded every day that at the top of the list of those who Love me…is my own name.

Prayer. I thank my mother for introducing me to God and ensuring that the relationship I would eventually foster has a strong foundation. My faith has helped me through some tough moments this year.

Red Eye Sunrise. I love travelling on red eye flights. The airport is quieter. Not a lot of babies on the flight. And there is just something about starting a new day in a whole new place that is hella’ appealing to me. The absolute best part is being able to see the sun rise from the vantage point of the clouds. It is freaking amazing. I have been blessed this year to experience a few red eye sunrises. Seeing the clouds awash in the rays of the sun, heralding the dawn of a brand new day…maaan I cannot help but feel rejuvenated and ready to move forward enthusiastically toward everything the new day, another birthday and this new year has to offer.

And it is with this sentiment I greet this new year of life. I hope that by continuing to pay attention to the little things, the mundane details that make up all the blessings in my life and by sowing the seeds of faith and gratitude, I can truly carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead and well into this new year of life.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate you! This is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire.

Make those seconds count!

I love hearing from you…what are you grateful today? What made you smile? Feel free to share below!


Instagram is my favourite place to connect.
FOLLOW ME there and say HI!!!