2016: Let’s Start This Off Right



It’s January 02nd loves – how are you feeling? I’m relishing this quiet time after all the new year hype…it’s like I’m in a little bubble enjoying making all my plans and “real life” will start back up again on Monday.

For now, in this weekend respite…I’m just filled with gratitude to be here. It’s 2016 baby. This is the future! We made it. As I write this, I’m sipping some wine, my favourite candle is lit – a wonderful blend of eucalyptus and spearmint – and I cannot help but be thankful to God for showing me that all that I seek is coming to me.

I am thankful for all the dreams I don’t have to close my eyes to see anymore. I am so thankful for what is right now. I am thankful for this cozy state of isness…this state of gratitude. It is in this warm, loved-up place I settle in to share with you my One Word for 2016. View Post

March Forth

march forth and set the world on fireToday is March 4th!

By now for most of us the year has lost that brand new shine.

Those goals, dreams, intentions that you would have started 2015 with may have hit a snag, you’re no longer as excited about them or you may have abandoned them completely.

I’m here to tell you that you can use today as a new start.

I can hear you now…who starts anything on a Wednesday?? Far less on the 4th day of a new month or even the third month in the year?

Does it really matter when you start? Or only that you do?


TODAY…the day itself is a call to action.


What desire, goal, dream or intention requires action?

What area of your life demands that you march forth? That you proceed fearlessly on?

What do you need a little extra push on?

This is not just about New Years resolutions, or to-do lists it’s about any goal, desire, dream or intention that requires a little effort to effect a positive change in your life.

This is about evolving into the best version of yourself…the person you were created to be.

This is about follow through, so that you can live your best life.

What will you MARCH FORTH on today…March 4th?

PUSH to Start

2015 is off to a hectic start!

Man I wish I was still on vacation. I went back out to work to a very hectic schedule. So much so, it’s been a work all day, get home and crawl into bed kinda week thus far.

Staying committed to doing one new thing a day has been tough, especially in the last two days where my daily routine has been somewhat restored. Which is exactly what I’m trying to push against…push through.

My routine, while it gets the ‘job’ done does not make me happy ultimately…struggle bus business really.

So in an effort to get off the bus to ennui and set the tone for the coming months, I’ve set up a couple dates with fun!

One Word 2015This month’s update which should have been published yesterday is short and sweet.

As promised I’m doing my monthly One Word Update where I share the evolution of this One Word journey on the 15th of every month.

Stay tuned for my next update on February 15th.

Happy Everything 2015 {My One Word Reveal}

One Word 2015

This is my third year doing One Word 365. I gave up making resolutions two years ago. What’s this all about? You can read more about the movement here.

My word for 2014 was MOVE, however, I spent most of last year feeling like I was waiting for something to happen..or that I was in a state of perpetual anticipation for something…but I never found out what. When it came to choosing my theme for 2015, I felt like I needed to get out of that place of “waiting.” Which lead me to PUSH.

According to the Macmillan Dictionary PUSH has several meanings. It can be:

  • A pushing movement
  • A way to encourage someone
  • A determined attempt
  • A movement of an army
  • A determination to do something
  • Or something difficult to do

PUSH in my case being the ability to get up every day and push against or through everything that I think or feel might be holding me back from living my best life. This year my focus will be on pushing forward towards creating the life I want to live and evolving into the me God created me to be.

PUSH will be my reinvention. I have some specific goals written down for the coming 12 months and I plan to focus those goals around this theme of PUSH. 2015 will see me pushing myself personally, professionally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Yep, my spirituality is included in there as well.

What you do today
can improve all your tomorrows.
– Ralph Marston

Set Intention.

Take the next simple step forward.


Lord, as I begin a new year, begin something new in my relationship with You. I give my life to You. I need You to stand with me and give me the push I need. Because I can’t achieve any of this without You. Amen.

I will share the evolution of this journey on the 15th of every month.
So stay tuned for my next update on January 15th.

Your present circumstances
don’t determine where you can go;
they merely determine where you start.
– Nido Qubein

So folks, in the spirit of clean slates, fresh starts and new beginnings, if you could choose just one word to inspire you for 2015, what would it be?

Brainstorm and please feel free to share it with me in the comments below!

Final Re-cap One Word 2014: Move

My one-word for 2014 was MOVE. I started the year with the intention to MOVE on from past, MOVE up at work (get promoted) MOVE out of my apartment and into my own home and MOVE in the direction of my highest self…in the direction of my dreams.

While movements have been made in different areas of my life – I moved up at work. I moved out of my comfort zone a wee bit…I tried new things, I visited new places; there was always something holding me back.

The word that truly describes 2014 is “waiting”. I have existed in a state of “waiting” for a long time. I have been using the comfort of being in mourning as a crutch. It was the perfect reason for why I am the way I am lately. No one questioned it.

How could they? My mother is dead. And my life is forever changed. I am the first to say, who feels it knows it. You never ‘get over’ losing your mother…you only learn how to cope. You learn how to live with the loss. You carve out a new existence around it.

My point is…August 07th this year was four years since my mother died. I have been living with this loss for 4 years. I am coping. And I have been living. And I came to the realization that there is nothing wrong with living. That it doesn’t mean I miss her any less…only that I am striving to live a life she would be proud to know that I have created for myself.

Grief is in two parts. The first is loss. The second is the remaking of life. – Anne Roiphe

MOVE was a big intention. It was a challenge. It required me to be Loud…to live up to this blog’s name. Vernette Out Loud. It required bravery on many levels. It required a vehement yes in some cases. It required stepping out of the shadow of mourning and into the light of living.

The problem was that I got comfortable in the “quiet” of mourning. And this mourning was not just the loss of my mother. I have had other losses that I have been trying to come to terms with. Death of other loved ones, death of dreams, relationships ending. I was stuck in waiting to feel better.

The thing about comfort…there is no growth. Quiet is good for a season. After all, there is a season for everything. The trick is to pay attention to the changing seasons and change with them.

I didn’t. Instead I got comfortable. I started growing roots…I was that comfortable. I was so well planted I couldn’t see that I wasn’t making a few key decisions that my head knew I had to make but my heart was resisting. Comfortable meant that I wasn’t making any decisions. Ergo, no growth, no momentum, no forward movements.

There’s no right or wrong decisions. There are just decisions. You either make them or you wait to make them. And while you are waiting, everything in your life goes on hold. – James Altucher

Re-cap: MOVE was my choice for 2014. But it has been a year of “life on hold” in reality.

Going forward: There are still 15 days left in 2014, there is still time for making a MOVE. When I wake up in the land of the living, I will set an intention for the day ahead. Baby steps. There is hope yet.

Life is a series of endings and beginnings. And it is the time in between that determines the quality of the endings and hope for new beginnings. And this is the beauty in good-bye.

As for 2015: I have shortlisted a few words – Purpose | Start | Focus | Yes | Metamorphosis

The word I choose for the New Year will the the one that will answer this question:

“What do I most want to be thankful for one year from now?”

The journey towards discovering my “One Word” for 2015, has begun.