My Very Own 30-Day Challenge: The One Where I Start Again

Has it really been four whole months?

My last post in this space I was happily celebrating my half-birthday. Quick update, I’ve celebrated two of my friends’ half-birthdays since and I believe that this is something that will catch on. But I digress. Let’s talk about starting again and this being the first day of my very own 30-Day “blogging” challenge.

Back in 2011 Max Cutts gave a brilliant TED Talk on the benefits of trying something for 30 days. It’s well worth the 3-minute watch.



While blogging every day for a whole month is really not “trying something new” for me. I feel like I’ve been away for so long that it might as well qualify as an experiment in stick-to-it-tiveness. Which is a much needed habit to cultivate and 30 days is just about the right amount of time to add a new habit” to my life. 

So I’m starting again today. I haven’t created any daily prompts and this might come back to bite me on the ass during this 30-day journey. But the great thing is for the most part I have a clear idea of how the blog space will be filled, and I have written down the general content I want to publish over the course of the next four weeks.

I have have also decided that this experiment will extend to Instagram and as you can see from today’s post, June is off to a fantastic start!

french press coffee fresh brew blk n white

Follow Me On Instagram!

What isn’t in this photo however, is that this was my second attempt. My first try exploded all over my kitchen counter, my belly and thighs. It was a painful reminder that you shouldn’t attempt to make you morning coffee before you’ve actually had your morning coffee.

So here’s to starting again. Here’s to taking small steps, doing something I love – writing – and at the end of this experiment, let’s hope that these changes stick!

Have you ever tried a 30-Day Challenge? What was the outcome? Or will you be trying a 30-day challenge this month as well?Please feel free to share below!


What really grinds my gears



I fell by the way side with NaBloPoMo last week. And over the weekend I vowed to start this week with a bang! I had a great post queued and everything. Then my effing shitty internet service messed up and my post never got published because apparently it never got scheduled because of the crappy connection I had yesterday.

I got home from a long day at work and I’ve been trying ever since to get a good connection and nothing doing. AAAAND I paid my bill and everything. I’m not even going to bother to post what I had planned because now it doesn’t even matter.

So NaBloPoMo…when was the last time I was truly angry???


*whoooooo saaaah*


I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of August:

NaBloPoMo August

You can check out other entries here: NaBloPoMo August

Truth be told…

*office phone rings*

Me: Good day. How may I help you?
Caller: Hi Vernette, Bob* here.
Me: Hi, Bob. What’s up?
Bob: So am…about that thing on Sunday. D hike nuh. Did any sexy, older…um mature…no middle-aged sexy ladies attend?
Me: …..Bob is this a serious question? *most disgusted tone*
Bob: uuuh…Yes.
Me: Look Bob, I don’t have time for this. You have a good day.


*name changed so as not to shame the obviously-crazy person.
True story.
Happened today.

I just had to share this. Bob* is very lucky I wasn’t riding a high horse today, because that conversation would have ended far worse than that.

Onward to my “One Word” Update.

So it’s been six months since I’ve done a “One Word” update. The same update I committed to write on the 15th of every month for the rest of the year. HA! SO much for stick-to-it-tive-ness right? It’s been a tumultuous six months and even though I may have had a good reason at the time for not doing an update…if I’m honest with myself, the reason behind the “good” reason is that I was lazy. Plain and simple. Just lazy.

However, I have been living my “one word” – TRUTH.

Truth has been the at the centre of my relationships, interactions and how I love myself. I may not have been writing about it, but I have been living it. And that makes me grateful for having this “one word” to focus on.

Over the last six months, I have been tapping into how I really feel about situations, people and life and I have been trying to align this truth to my actions. I have been having more authentic experiences and that has made a huge difference in how I perceive the world I live in.

Yes, at times, my choices have pissed those closest to me off, but this has only been for a short time. As I live a more authentic life, I’m ultimately making my world a better place and thus positively affecting those around me. My light can only shine if I am walking in truth. Win/Win as far as I’m concerned.

I have a couple difficult conversations I need to have and I’ve decided that I must have them during the next four months and I will allow only truth to guide them.

Look out for my next update on September 15th. To read updates from other bloggers click here!

Too hot to handle



p.s. I’m pretty sure I suck at NaBloPoMo!

I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of August:

NaBloPoMo August

You can check out other entries here: NaBloPoMo August

Would you want to be known as hot?

The way you make feel

Trini men are very vocal with their appreciation for the female form. One cannot walk down the street without someone making some comment or compliment depending on how you see the glass. Empress. Sexy. Reds. I hear them all and then some. Most times I simply ignore…it is almost a fact of life.

I’m sure if I asked the average man in the street “what makes a woman hot?” the responses will be more about physical attributes than the actual person. This tells me that it is not really about the person but how one might feel when one sees a pretty face or nice lips. Something about what you see…triggers a “feeling” man-speak for turns you on.

What makes a man hot to me…confidence. I know it by the way he makes eye contact. The way he walks and the set of his shoulders. Muscles, a fit body and a nice ass works too.

But I think MJ (may he rest in peace) says it best…

…I know this is a short-cut using MJ like this, but I’m tired and I’m determined to stay true to this month’s NaBloPoMo challenge. So first post for the week accomplished…and you get to enjoy an oldie but goodie. Win/Win!


I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of August:

NaBloPoMo August

You can check out other entries here: NaBloPoMo August

Please feel free to share

what you think makes a woman hot below.
Is it something physical, an intangible personality trait,
or something else entirely that labels a person as hot?