A year from now you’ll wish you had started today!
– Karen Lamb
New Year.
Fresh start.
New approach.
Happy New Year to me! I’m all about loving my life to the fullest for the next 12 months and beyond. Most people I know these days have some sort of “Bucket List”, I call mine my “Life List”. Today, as I reviewed this list and I thought about all those experiences I want to have before I move on to the great by and by, I realized that they can only come to fruition when I make the space for them to unfold.
Because according to Napoleon Hill, “there is a difference between WISHING for a thing and being READY to receive it.” BOOM! That’s why I keep adding things to that Life List faster than I can cross them off. I’m just not ready yet. I haven’t created the space in my life for the things I really want. And complaining about all the perceived lack in my life is not helping. In fact, the more I complain or just express a wish for a “better” life and not actually DO anything to turn it into a goal, is the more I affirm to myself and to the Universe that I’m cool with the status quo. I’m cool with wishing and not acting. By complaining and not acting I make mediocrity my “normal” and I’m not cool with that.
Possibility needs space to unfold.
So as I start a new year, a little older and a lot wiser, now is as good a time as any to make a change. Now is the time to unpack that baggage from the past once and for all and clear out all that old, stagnant energy that is no longer serving me. Now is the time to send a signal to the Universe that I’m ready for true abundance in my life.
“Living a great life requires us each to be present and “open” – to have space – to be part of today on today’s terms. An open heart, an open mind, an open spirit, and an open schedule all create room for possibilities – new possibilities – better possibilities”
Sooo for the next 12 months I’m going to ditch the Life List and focus on my Love List. I love lists what can I say! I’m going to share with you my “Lucky 33” Love List, this will be my guide to loving my life to the fullest and my shout to the Universe that I’m ready for abundance:
- I will stop worrying about debt and spend less.
- I will forgive myself.
- I will let go of unfair expectations.
- I will be thankful for all that I have right now.
- I will do Yoga every week.
- I will read two books a month and post a review on this blog.
- I will intentionally feed someone. Be it a kind word, Saying “I love you” or making a sandwich for the homeless.
- There is only one step. The first step.
- There is no perfect plan.
- Fear is normal. Fear makes me human.
- Failure is ok because I fail forward.
- I will remain open to change.
- The past is the past. I don’t live there anymore.
- The only person I can change is myself!
- I have everything inside of me at this moment, to be everything I want to be!
- EWOP! Everything is Working Out Perfectly!
- Anything worth having, takes hard work. I am ready to do the work I need to do.
- I have
hugerelationship fears and I commit to facing them rather than burying them. - I will let Love in.
- I will communicate clearly and I will act accordingly. In the words of John Mayer “Say what you need to say”.
- I am in control of my life.
- I write my own permission slips.
- I will Plan (because I’m a planner). I will Act. Then I will Let Go of the outcome.
- I will be present to the present.
- The life I live is the sum of my choices. I will choose wisely.
- Time is the only currency I have. I will spend it on the people and experiences that make this journey worthwhile.
- I will choose quality over quantity. Every time!
- There is opportunity in every challenge.
- Now is the time. The time is ALWAYS now.
- Now is the time to start.
- I speak truth, I live truth.
- I am a priority.
- I’m great at making lists and that’s cool, putting it to use makes it an action plan.
What can you make space for in your life? What can you let go of to allow new and better things to enter?
What would your Love List look like?
This is a great list! I love your quote about being “present” as it one of the things I find to be most important in so many aspects of my life. I just had short dialogue with another blogger regarding this concept. We miss out on so much when we are not present. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you Leah! I agree, we miss a whole lot when we are not present. Recently, I’ve been having phone issues and because of those issues it is no longer an extension of my hand. Not having it with me…has shown me just how much I miss out simply because I’m checking email or twitter or FB. I never thought I’d survive not having my phone…but it turns out it is the best thing that has happened to me in a while.
The phones have really taken over haven’t they? I admit I’m glad to have my kids sit quietly sometimes with their electronic device of choice but it bothers me in those moments when the four of us are on the phone or computer, etc at the same time. We have family movie night and game night to try and balance things out!
Yes phones really have taken over. I have been out at dinner and everybody around the table are on their phones, not talking to each other. Sad state of progress. Kudos to you for ensuring that your family does not get caught up in that digital world.