Earworm: Say Something

Today has been a mellow day spent reflecting mostly. For me quirks are neither good or bad. They really are what makes us human…oh and I prefer to say idiosyncrasies instead of “quirks”…obviously this is one of mine.

Anyways, one of my other idiosyncrasies is that when I hear a song I like, I play it over and over until I learn all the words by heart or make up my own dance to it or I just get sick of hearing it. Lately, this one by A Great Big World has been on repeat. It sums up my mood perfectly and I already know all the words.


  1. Pingback: Rob's Surf Report
  2. January 12, 2014 / 6:33 pm

    Vernette, thanks for “liking” my quirkiness post! I agree with songs that I like getting stuck in my head all day.

    Your mention of making up a dance to a song inspires me to soon write a blog post about that, actually!

    • vernette
      January 12, 2014 / 6:34 pm

      Oh wow…then I’m happy you stopped by and I’m looking fwd to reading that post when you write it!

  3. February 11, 2016 / 11:01 am

    I also experience earworm. Sometimes I even feel guilty for playing a song over and over again (duh).

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