Folks I feel like I have truly found my tribe. I’m linking up again this week with the fabulous Lisa-Jo Baker and the lovely writers of Five Minute Friday. Click on the button below for more details on what this challenge is all about and how you can participate.
When my uncle’s wife was dying in the hospital, I went to see her. I knew it was going to be hard but I felt that it was something I needed to do. Because my experience with my mother and hospitals taught me that no matter how hard it might be for you to see someone in a hospital bed…you’re not the one in the hospital. So suck it up and go.
So I went with my sister to see her. It was actually a few weeks from my sister’s wedding and my aunt started talking about the wedding. She told my sister that she didn’t think she would make it to the wedding and then she started saying her goodbyes and I lost it. It was exactly what I was afraid was going to happen.
Where did this come from though? Hmmm, I am realizing that for me the word visit is associated with hospitals and sickness and sadness.
I never describe catching-up with a friend as “visiting”. I might say, I went to check so and so or I had a small lime with this one or we had dinner.
I never use visit.
Visiting as your FMF next door neighbor. See, visits don’t have to be associated with sadness. I’m quite joyful you are my neighbor. Lisa Jo has a way of bringing out our vulnerabilities. Be at peace.
Awww thank you for visiting. You made me smile. Lisa-Jo is awesome 🙂
I can see how this word visit gets associated this way…..
and I once heard someone say that they never use the word “good-bye” – they instead say – see you next time….
so true…
Hi – I also wanted to say thanks for linking the 5-minute Friday blog – I checked it out and well – it is such a great idea – I may just have to give it a try sometime…. because it is short and focussed – and I like how the whole aim is to not worry about anything – just let it flow….
have a nice weekend – 🙂
No probs 🙂 Blogging is about sharing. I’ll look out for your FMF post some time soon? You have a great weekend too 😀