“We write because we love words and the relief it is to just write them without worrying if they’re just right or not. – Lisa-Jo Baker
I haven’t linked up in what feels like ages with the this lovely bunch of writers. But since this is founder, Lisa-Jo’s last week hosting Five Minute Friday, I needed to join in to celebrate with her as she begins the next phase in your journey. I also look forward to continuing this lovely practice with Kate Motaung.
Click on the button to the right for more details on what this challenge is all about and how you can participate.
“On this path, it is only the first step that counts.” – St. Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney
But that first step is sometimes the hardest one to accomplish.
Because that first step usually reveals who you are.
If you can get past the fear.
The struggle with past failures.
The disappointment.
The fact that sometimes its sooo much easier to delay the inevitable.
To be able to just go for, to begin again, despite all that went before, has to be the most courageous thing you can do for yourself.
“Living in fear is so last season, if you want to be happy and really live your dream you have to take a stand and just put yourself out there. You might fail, yes indeed – but, you might, you just might succeed too! Don’t you want to find out? Either way your life will never be the same… Can you handle it?”
– Jackson Kiddard
What’s the worse that can happen?
I found myself getting lost in a myriad of memories, hence the very short post. I didn’t want to cheat and add another five minutes, so this is all I managed for this week’s prompt. The quotes I had the general idea about and cleaned them up afterward.
Thank you to Lisa-Jo for creating this space for us to get in touch with the truth that is sometime hidden inside our hearts. This challenge reveals and brings up and out things that you had no idea you were even thinking about. As we move on to the next chapter of Five Minute Fridays with our new host, I look forward exploring the wonders of my heart with you all.
Today you’re getting a twofer. Every day in August I will be joining the very creative Susannah Conway and her lovely community, in posting a photo a day. It’s a community project that doesn’t really have any rules – who doesn’t like that? – I will post a photo a day on Instagram. If you’re interested in joining this community, head on over to Susannah’s website here.
Hi Vernette, checking out your post via FMF. Love the quotes you shared. Also, I appreciate that you also stretched things a little to verify the quotes after five minutes. I am having a hard time getting my thoughts out in those five minutes! 🙂
I know exactly what you mean!! Thanks for linking up!