Farewell 2015


This the last day in 2015. I got to feel the sun on my skin. I made peace with the past. I cried. I lit a candle for all that was and for all that is yet to come.

I lived to see today. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring and in this moment I am whole and happy.

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. – Jim Rohn

As I sit here toasting all that went down in 2016, I keep asking myself…if the life I’m creating by the choices I’m making is propelling me towards my best self?

I walked in truth and now my heart is bigger, busted wide open and ready even more Love. I moved towards a better version of me and I truly love the woman I am growing into. As I think about those choices that led me to this moment and with a full heart, I set my intention for MORE in 2016. I want:

More of what counts.

More of what is important to me. The people I love. I plan to tell them every chance I get. Starting with the family lime we usually have on New Year’s Day. I am so lucky to still have the chance to tell them.

More Writing.

After not publishing anything in this space for 120 days because I’m lazy for all kinds of reasons, I finally turned things around this week. *throws confetti* Thank you for reading!

More Travel.

This was a great year for travel. I made it to London! I’ve been bitten by the travel bug hard. I am craving new experiences. I want more travel.

More time with my Cohort of Awesome.

I haven’t been very good at keep in touch with my family and friends who live afar…this is anybody who does not live in my neighbourhood. I know, I know! Thankfully my sister and brother live within a few blocks of me. My sister is the family whisperer though. She knows everything that’s happening with everybody. While I don’t think I can get to her level of social prowess, in 2016 I plan to do better than I’ve done this year. These are the people who make this journey of mine worthwhile. I need to make sure they know I appreciate them.

More self-care.

You know when you fly on an airplane, the flight attendant instructs you to put your oxygen mask on first, before helping others? Do you know why this is an important rule for ensuring survival? You put on your oxygen mask first, because if you run out of oxygen, you can’t help anyone else with their mask. I had a massage last week and when the masseuse got to my shoulders and neck we both could feel the knots. It was p a i n f u l. She immediately said to me that this is my health I’m playing with. Why was I carrying so much stress? If something happens to me…because I allowed stress to make me sick, guess what…I can’t help anybody and life will go on without me. I CHOOSE to be here to celebrate life in 2016. Bring on those massages!

The biggest lesson I’ve learned this year is that Obstacles Are Good. And I am grateful for every last one of them. I’m a better, stronger, more beautiful me because of them.

As I enter 2016, I’m reminded that happiness is not a destination, it’s a journey and it’s one that you begin from within. It is simply doing the things every single day that move you closer to your best possible self.

Happy New Year to all of you. I wish you only the best.Here’s to Abundance, Adventure and Infinite Possibilities.

Light & Love.

CS Lewis Quote


  1. December 31, 2015 / 11:46 pm

    I hope that eating well doesn’t rule out tiramisu, Vernette 😉 I know all about the travel bug! What an amazing coincidence it would have been if we had been in London at the same time!! Light and love back to you. 🙂

    • Vernette
      January 1, 2016 / 3:52 pm

      Eat Well always includes tiramisu 😉 Here’s to the best year ahead Ken!

  2. January 10, 2016 / 12:34 am

    The new layout looks great. I look forward to reading more as you tick off your goals throughout the year.

    • Vernette
      January 10, 2016 / 1:58 pm

      Thank you so much Shantaya!

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