#WeekendCoffeeShare 4/16/16

If we were having coffee, it would be on the go as we both ran errands. This is a practice I started last year with two other girlfriends. We found that it was easy to get caught up in our mundane, Saturday morning ‘to do lists…and weeks would go by and we hadn’t seen each other. The solution? Combine our to do lists and get the chores done together while we sip our respective brews.

Not only was it a great way to catch up, but it was fun sharing what would have been an otherwise mundane day with people I love spending time with. Not to mention the satisfying rush of knocking things off the to-do list aaaand cultivating friendships as well. Because as some of you know…when you get to a certain age, life, work, families and just plain old tiredness can get in the way of maintaining friendships.

So if we were having coffee today, I would have a mochaccino grande with the whipped cream – because it was a hard week and whipped cream makes it all better. We would probably synchronize watches to meet around 9 a.m. I would drive this time. When I pick you up…get ready for visiting three hardware stores and the market. We’re looking for tools and paint for me. Since I’m thinking about making some changes to the apartment.

The first thing I would tell you is that talk about work is off the table. I’m not getting the whipped cream just because I like fat thighs and a sugar rush. It really was a hard week. We would talk instead about your errands and what the best route would be so that all our stuff can get done in time for lunch.

I would tell you about my current obsession with Pinterest boards featuring tropical outdoor spaces and how to avoid falling down the Pinterest rabbit hole. I would also tell you that I am on a strict budget and if you see me getting sidetracked from my list, feel free to reign me in.

By now we would be looking for parking at the nearest coffee shop and I would probably be thinking about getting a doughnut to go with my coffee. Sugar gods help me!

If we were having coffee while we did errands today, what would we be knocking off your Saturday morning to-do list? Feel free to share below.

*****#WeekendCoffeeShare is an awesome link-up where coffee (or some other awesome beverage) is being shared over some great conversations.

#WeekendCoffeeShare originated at Part Time Monster:

I started the Weekend Coffee Share last year after lots of feedback and several months of writing posts that imagined a conversation with my blog readers that started with the “if we were having coffee” line. The coffee share runs on the weekends, and there aren’t a lot of rules—-posts just need to be formatted like a conversation over beverages (we’ve had tea-drinkers and cocktail-hours as well as coffee) AND be written within the past week (so you don’t need to publish on the weekend to join the link-up). The hashtag #weekendcoffeeshare is in use all weekend on Twitter and Facebook, and it is sometimes used a bit during the week as well. .~Part Time Monster


  1. April 16, 2016 / 9:32 am

    Sounds like a great idea… and cream is always a treat! I was thinking of pinterest myself.. but haven’t succumbed to it … yet.

    • Vernette
      April 16, 2016 / 9:34 am

      Lol…beware of the Pinterest rabbit hole. You can really get caught up in it. Stay away for as long as you can.

  2. April 16, 2016 / 12:00 pm

    Glad you joined us for coffee!

    I have a dear friend who I’ve known since childhood, and one of our favorite ways to clean up has always been with the other person perched somewhere nearby to dispense conversation and make more coffee when we run out. We run a lot of errands together, too. There’s something quite intimate about being with someone as they do the things that keep their household going. It’s like seeing behind the curtain. 🙂

    • Vernette
      April 16, 2016 / 12:05 pm

      I like that…”seeing behind the curtain”. It’s so true. Thanks for stopping by Diana.

  3. April 16, 2016 / 1:31 pm

    A friend and I often combined chores, it makes a great way to catch up. We are able to take our trash to the dump, pick up fresh water and hit the thrift stores all in one go. We save gas and get a chance to ‘relax’ without the kids. I highly recommend it. I love the idea of adding a ‘coffee’ run into the mix too. 🙂

    • Vernette
      April 17, 2016 / 9:40 pm

      I agree…it really is a great way to catch up!

  4. April 16, 2016 / 2:31 pm

    Im not big on shopping, so I’d go sit at a coffee place with my kindle and tablet while you run your errands, and then we chat when you come by the cafe for a break. I love you reasoning for the whiped cream that “it makes all better”. How true! It is up there with “cake fixes everything” which I fully believe in. Thaks for this post, I enjoyed it 🙂

    • Vernette
      April 17, 2016 / 9:38 pm

      Lol, I agree whipped cream is right up there with cake…thanks for stopping by Olive!

  5. April 16, 2016 / 5:43 pm

    Nice ding the chores with you friends. It helps with drudgery that often go with the jobs. I try to read all the post, but I may not get to is week.

    • Vernette
      April 17, 2016 / 9:36 pm

      I am settling in for a nice read this evening. I may not get thru all….but I will certainly try.

  6. April 17, 2016 / 10:22 am

    Now that sound very productive and fun to run errands with a friend. When I was at uni I would accompany friends on their grocery shopping and would point out that it was cheaper in the long term to buy a bigger or smaller quantity (family packs aren’t always the best deal).
    If you would have joined me yesterday morning it would have been a trip to the market, your help carrying things would have been greatly appreciated 🙂
    Enjoy your Sunday, Solveig

    • Vernette
      April 17, 2016 / 9:36 pm

      Same to you Solveig and thanks for stopping by. Oh, and I would definitely help carry some of the market stuff!

  7. April 17, 2016 / 5:31 pm

    I love the idea of running errands with a friend! How fun is that?! Whipped cream? No excuses necessary for that goodness!

    • Vernette
      April 17, 2016 / 9:34 pm

      Lol…so true!

  8. April 17, 2016 / 8:08 pm

    What a novel way to kill two birds with one stone (figuratively speaking, of course. I like birds). Anyway, I would be needing to stop at the home improvement store for some brick edging and the nursery for plants to put in my herb garden. I think perhaps dill, sweet basil and some Italian oregano… Oh, and I want whipped cream in my coffee too because, like you said, whipped cream makes it better!

    • Vernette
      April 17, 2016 / 9:33 pm

      I would definitely want to accompany you to the nursery. I have been developing my green thumb and would want to learn as much as I can.

  9. April 18, 2016 / 8:15 am

    I’ll want a mochaccino and I would get some stuff at the hardware and plant shop also and I would love to pass by the health store as usual especially if it is Saturday and month end.

  10. April 19, 2016 / 10:58 am

    Have you ever tried Tim Tams? I’m surprised you don’t need a prescription to get them. They taste so good and you can even stick them in your hot drink and suck it through like a straw. They’re my remedy for a rough week and forget the housework but its starting to catch up with me.
    I’ve been doing the April A-Z Blogging Challenge and its been full on and my kids are on school holidays. Haven’t been a great Mum but not often I put everything on hold to write and it’s taken me a long time to get to this point.
    Hope you have a more relaxing week!
    xx Rowena

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