Tea Time, Hotel Normandie

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Sometimes, I drink tea.

I know, I know…a coffee-lover like myself talking about tea. But you’d be surprised to know that I love a good cup of tea almost as much as I love coffee.

And I’ll have you know that the little girl in me, still loves a tea party – complete with all the little cakes and sandwiches that are the stuff of the best pretend tea parties of my childhood.

These days, instead of my plastic tea set, I get to sip from lovely real tea cups and snack on all the pretty petit fours, often with the company of a friend equally game to try something a little different.

Every Wednesday, Hotel Normandie has  Afternoon Tea which is quite affordable. There are three menu options to choose from and you will have a hard time deciding which of the delicious treats to start with first. There is also live entertainment, which adds to the ambiance.

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Give me all the things! You have a choice of savoury and sweet and believe me, you will think you can eat them all. But they add up. Choose wisely. Don’t be like me. I was oinking by the end of our evening.


If you’re in the mood for a little something different on a Wednesday, you can find them here.

Featured image via Unsplash


  1. August 24, 2016 / 6:03 pm

    I’d be oinking with you, Vernette! I wonder if the tea is proper leaf tea, or ghastly tea bags hidden in that pot? G&P, Ken

    • Vernette
      August 24, 2016 / 7:29 pm

      They offer both options and I do believe that this was leaf Ken 🙂

  2. August 24, 2016 / 8:47 pm

    That looks so good! Save me a seat.

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