…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~ Key + Arrow
7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and here is my 7 for this week:
Apparently when you consistently hit 10K steps, Fitbit prompts you to up the ante. So like the overachiever that I am…my new target is 15K. It’s a struggle. I am realizing just how attached I am to the little buzz you get when you hit your goal. 15K has been proving to be elusive…but I’ve stepped up my game and I have a plan for this week. So let’s see how it goes.
Feeling like it’s 2009
Well it’s official, I’m seeing figures on the scale, I haven’t seen since 2009. Yay me. Just the last 10lbs to go now and I will be in 2005 territory and well on my way to better health.
Road trips
These days, a simple pleasure I’m grateful for is being driven. So when one of my friends wanted company for a long drive, I was totally game. Turned out that the destination was actually to a mutual friend we didn’t know we had in common. Talk about an awesome turn of events.
Coffee with cream…in chocolate
Because I have the best friends and they know that I love coffee and chocolate and that I would be over the moon for coffee with cream flavoured chocolate!
I had dinner with a couple friends on Friday night at an Italian restaurant I’ve been longing to go to. I don’t have to tell you, what the star of the meal was!
Rainy Days
I’m grateful to the precipitation gods, we’ve been having some rainy days lately and it makes me so happy. Because I’m a hardcore pluviophile.
Old Posts
I was looking for a link to an older post to add to this one and fell down a rabbit hole reading my own words. Hope you enjoy this one as much as I did.
I hope that by continuing to pay attention to the little things, the mundane details that make up all the blessings in my life and by sowing the seeds of faith and gratitude, I can truly carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead.
Thank you for reading, I appreciate you! This is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire.
Make those seconds count!
I love hearing from you…what are you grateful today? Feel free to share below!
I’m starting to expect to see the “Before & After” photos, Vernette. You know, like the weight loss ads on TV. 😉 So interesting that you can get weight loss, fitbit, tiramisu and chocolate in the same post, all without any apparent conflict. Well done
Lol! Thanks Ken. I haven’t totally given up my sweet tooth…it just make me work harder on my health and fitness.
Today I am grateful for the little piece of paradise I am living in 🙂
Yay for living in paradise 🙂