I’m celebrating my half birthday today! Whoo hoo. #morelife
If we were having coffee, are you ready to party like it’s my half birthday? Because I am! And just in case you were wondering…YES half birthdays are a thing! Do a quick Google search and the interwebs will tell you that a half birthday is the day approximately six months (give or take a leap year or two) before or after the anniversary of the day you were born.
Why a half birthday?
When I happened upon the concept earlier this year, I had a light bulb moment! You see, my birthday is always bittersweet. I am always in mental count down mode to mum’s death, as she died eight days after my birthday. And I stopped feeling as joyous about my birthday as I used to prior to the events of 2010.
So, taking all of that into consideration, I thought, why not make it a thing, make it my thing? My half birthday would be the celebration where I could do something a little extra special for myself without the sadness that usually engulfs me on July 30th. I also have all the energy of firsts – first month of a new year to give the day some extra magic. Bonus: It will always fall around the end of January, right around payday. HELLO!!!
No half-baked celebration
Imagine just one birthday every year ah, but there are three hundred and sixty four unbirthdays! – Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter was certainly on to something there. Life is too short not to take time to celebrate the journey. And that includes all the days that happen to be unbirthdays and in my case, a half birthday. Do you want know when is your half birthday? Find out here.
No birthday (half or otherwise) would be complete without a birthday wish. Thus, my 2017 Half Birthday Wish is that you choose a close friend or family member and go aaalll out – bake them a half cake or sing half of the happy birthday song – one of my close friends sang the birthday song for me today, croaky voice and all.
Or, sing the Unbirthday Song from Alice in Wonderland and add a bit more fun and give them only half of a present. Trust me, it will be the best half birthday ever!
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
If we were having coffee, it’s time for a birthday cake martini baby! Because this is no half-baked celebration. I promise to swap the amaretto for coffee liqueur. Because, this is #weekendcoffeeshare after all.
Needless to say, I super excited for this celebration and I’m looking forward to surprising some special people in my life on their half birthdays this year. I’m already thinking about what next year’s celebration could include – perhaps a mini vacation? Who knows and that’s the absolute fun part.
Now it’s your turn, how would you celebrate your half birthday? Please feel free to share in the comments below.
*****#WeekendCoffeeShare is an awesome link-up where coffee (or birthday cake martinis) is being shared over great conversations.
#WeekendCoffeeShare originated at Part Time Monster:
I started the Weekend Coffee Share last year after lots of feedback and several months of writing posts that imagined a conversation with my blog readers that started with the “if we were having coffee” line. The coffee share runs on the weekends, and there aren’t a lot of rules—-posts just need to be formatted like a conversation over beverages (we’ve had tea-drinkers and cocktail-hours as well as coffee) AND be written within the past week (so you don’t need to publish on the weekend to join the link-up). The hashtag #weekendcoffeeshare is in use all weekend on Twitter and Facebook, and it is sometimes used a bit during the week as well. ~Part Time Monster
Curses – i just missed celebrating mine 8 days ago. Have a happy day, Vernette
Awww! Happy Belated Half Birthday to you Ken! 😀
Happy Half Birthday! When you said “Half Birthday” the first thing I thought of was the Mad Hatter. It is a good idea and doubly good for you since you have sad associations about the time around your birthday. I hope your half birthday is the start to a great week!
Thank you so much Trent! The week has already started well.
Happy Half Birthday to you, Vernette. Mine is actually coming up soon (beginning of February). I’ve been lucky enough that there isn’t much to cloud my birthday – It was starting the next month (September) through December that was always hard for me (and it wasn’t due to winter). Hope you have/had (?) an awesome half-Birthday.
I did have an awesome day. Hopefully on your half birthday you can do something a little special for yourself.
Congratulations on you half birthday.
I am shocked by yesterday day event. I am praying for the World, especially those effected by it.
Happy half birthday! My half birthday is my husband’s actual birthday so we could celebrate together!
Oh that is awesome! You two can make it an extra special celebration.