‘Life is too short not to __________.’
I posed this question on Facebook a while back, asking my family and friends to fill in the blank…below are some of their awesome responses.
Now it’s your turn…
– Quinn McDonald
My twin-island state is reeling from the assassination of a high profile Senior Counsel just after midnight yesterday. You can read this blog post that echoes my thoughts and feelings about it here. I wonder like so many others…will this be the catalyst that awakens a fire for justice among the citizens of my country for all those who have lost their lives at the hands of criminals…or will it be business as usual come Friday night when “it have cold beers to drink on the Ave”?
This has been a heavy heavy day to say the least. Looking to the positives in my life today…helped alleviate some of the heaviness.
…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.
~ Key + Arrow
7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and here are my 7 positives for this week:
My hope is that by turning my focus to all that I have to be grateful for at the start of my work week, by sowing my own seeds of faith and gratitude, I can carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead. Here’s to good health and being able to breathe!
What are you grateful for this week? Please feel free to share below.
After my mum died, I gained more than 15 lbs eating my feelings. Eventually after a visit to the doctor and I was told that I was at high risk for diabetes (it’s in my family on both sides) I finally stopped eating ice cream every.single.day and started dealing with the pain and loss I was hiding from. This also brought me to a whole shift in my lifestyle and diet.
This epiphany/change resulted in what some people saw as dramatic results. I lost the weight emotionally and physically and it showed. Everybody wanted to know what I was doing…what my secret was. I remember a manager pulling me into her office and demanding to know what my “secret” was…there was visible disappointment when I told her I changed my lifestyle and it was a combination of diet and exercise.
I realize that she was hoping for a quick fix…some magic pill or “secret” that could be passed on.
My secret was simple really: I was honest with myself about the life I wanted to live and that the way I was living in the present would not get me the life I knew I wanted. I had to make changes and be willing to do the work.
And so I did it…for myself, for the future me who wanted to enjoy the life I’m working so hard to create.
Today, one of those “secret” seekers, stopped me to update me on her own lifestyle change. You see she too was hoping for a quick fix. But I still shared with her exactly what I was doing. She tried and couldn’t stick with it, not because she didn’t want to be healthy and well but because as she quickly found out…what worked for me, was just not working for her.
She found out after a visit to her doctor that she had several things she needed to look at and change and she was given a personalized meal and exercise plan.
Three months later, she looks amazing – no drastic weight-loss – just a day-to-day commitment to better, her skin is clear and most importantly it was not a fad diet. It was a lifestyle change that includes exercise that she is sticking too.
I could not stop remarking on how happy she looked now that she found what works for her. And I was reminded that we are all uniquely and wonderfully made. It’s okay to seek inspiration outside of ourselves, if only as a compass to the possibilities that exist….but the real work starts from within. You have to find what works for you and go do that. (Tweet this)
This is true for passion, creativity, love and loving and wellness. The resources for inspiration are endless, especially on the interwebs, but there comes a point in time where you have to stop searching for inspiration and start being an inspiration.
I will say it again: You have to find what works for you…and then you gotta stop looking and start doing the work.
And now on a totally unrelated and random note: I just wanna shout out all the busy worker bees out in the big old blue…you make chocolate and coffee possible and I need those in my life to survive all the crazy in this world. So cheers to you little bees. Keep up the good work.