I fell by the way side with NaBloPoMo last week. And over the weekend I vowed to start this week with a bang! I had a great post queued and everything. Then my effing shitty internet service messed up and my post never got published because apparently it never got scheduled because of the crappy connection I had yesterday.
I got home from a long day at work and I’ve been trying ever since to get a good connection and nothing doing. AAAAND I paid my bill and everything. I’m not even going to bother to post what I had planned because now it doesn’t even matter.
So NaBloPoMo…when was the last time I was truly angry???
*whoooooo saaaah*
I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of August:
You can check out other entries here: NaBloPoMo August