By now for most of us the year has lost that brand new shine.
Those goals, dreams, intentions that you would have started 2015 with may have hit a snag, you’re no longer as excited about them or you may have abandoned them completely.
I’m here to tell you that you can use today as a new start.
I can hear you now…who starts anything on a Wednesday?? Far less on the 4th day of a new month or even the third month in the year?
Does it really matter when you start? Or only that you do?
TODAY…the day itself is a call to action.
What desire, goal, dream or intention requires action?
What area of your life demands that you march forth? That you proceed fearlessly on?
What do you need a little extra push on?
This is not just about New Years resolutions, or to-do lists it’s about any goal, desire, dream or intention that requires a little effort to effect a positive change in your life.
This is about evolving into the best version of yourself…the person you were created to be.
This is about follow through, so that you can live your best life.
What will you MARCH FORTH on today…March 4th?