Weekly Photo Challenge: Symmetry


A tree says: My strength is trust.
I know nothing about my fathers,
I know nothing about the thousand children
that every year spring out of me.
I live out the secret of my seed to the very end,
and I care for nothing else.
I trust that God is in me.
I trust that my labor is holy. Out of this trust I live.
Whoever has learned how to listen to trees
no longer wants to be a tree.
He wants to be nothing except what he is.
That is home. That is happiness.
― Hermann Hesse

Weekly Photo Challenge: Depth (III)


I embrace my shadow self. Shadows give depth and dimension to my life.
I believe in embracing my duality, in learning to let darkness and light, peacefully co-exist, as illumination.”
― Jaeda DeWalt

Sharing some love: My favourite photo on this week’s prompt is this one!

Quote of the Day

The struggle is real

Read, enjoy, share.

Anytime, anywhere.

{Linking back to http://VernetteOutLoud.wordpress.com is appreciated.}

Quote of the Day


Read, enjoy, share.

Anytime, anywhere.

{Linking back to http://VernetteOutLoud.wordpress.com is appreciated.}

Quote of the Day


Read, enjoy, share.

Anytime, anywhere.

{Linking back to http://VernetteOutLoud.wordpress.com is appreciated.}