The ONE Where Normal Routine Resumes

Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

Hey you guuuys! Welcome to the first full working week (!) of 2018. Normal routine resumes here in Trinidad, as schools reopen today to start the second term of the school year.

And my love hate relationship with Monday continues.

But first, a note about 2017 – it was a year of struggle, change, plenty growth and so much more. I am grateful to still be here. I am over the moon to still be writing in this space.

And now a wish for 2018 – I hope (for you) this year is filled with plenty love, worthwhile friendships, great health and abundance.

I am excited to kick-off the first working Monday of 2018 with renewed focus, dedication and positive energy towards cultivating a space so that it is beneficial to both you and me.

And so today I’m sharing seven things I’m grateful for:

Normal Routines

Because what we do every day, the little things…actually make up our lives. Here’s to creating a life that is awesome

My job

Here is to making a life and not just a living. I’m grateful that my job affords me the opportunity to do more than just pay bills. Anyone else, planning a cool project/travel somewhere awesome for 2018? Feel free to share below.

Powerful reminders

“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you
are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work,
realize it is play.” — Alan Watts

Baby S

Is no longer a baby. In fact, he learned the word for baby and identifies them. So he is now officially a toddler. I’m so excited for this phase in his life. He is learning words so rapidly now. Oh and ‘cookie’ is one of his favourites!

My people

I closed 2017 spending time with family and friends who are family. The absolute best way to usher in a new year.

The Time I’m Living In

I always say that God chose this time in history to bless the world with your presence. Your being here is a present to the present. And how cool is it that we’re living in a time where the most influential women in the world are creatives, doing what they want and living how they want!

and finally…

You can fall in love anytime you want

That’s the beauty of being alive…isn’t it!

So that’s my seven for this week. On Mondays, “we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.” 7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow.

I hope that by continuing to pay attention to the little things, the mundane details that make up all the blessings in my life and by sowing the seeds of faith and gratitude, I can truly carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate you! This is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire.

Make those seconds count!

I love hearing from you…have you ever felt like quitting blogging? What did you do or stopped doing to turn things around? Feel free to share below!

Coffee To Go

Coffee To Go

If we were having coffee, it would be for a quick link up at the coffee shop nearest to my office. And we would have our steaming cups of java to go. It’s been a hectic week around these parts. I started in a new department on Monday and between training on my new desk and still holding the hand of the guy on my old one…I have not had much time to come up for air.

Our cuppas today is of the to-go variety because I still have stuff to complete in the office. And that’s where I’m headed. So sorry that we could not sit and savour our java today. And I am especially sorry that we can’t have our usual catch up, but it really couldn’t be helped.

I still want to hear all your news, so tell me everything and we will catch up fully when the dust settles. What’s happening in your world?

Feel free to share in the comments below.  

#WeekendCoffeeShare is an awesome link-up where coffee is being shared over great conversations. Join in this week’s fun here.

The Best Life Advice, In Six Words Or Less

When it comes to life advice, I think about the two women who were such a big part of my life and who are no longer here to offer their sage take on things. In their absence, or because of their absence, I have come up with my own: Make the most of your time here.

Some of that time, is spent on Facebook. I used to be one of those people who would “announce” that they just cleaned up their Facebook friends list. And If you could see that update then you would know that you made the cut. That I still consider you a friend. Well…not only was that a pretty obnoxious thing to do, it dawned on me one day, that I might not have made someone else’s list. I cut that shit out real quick.

What does that little story above have to do with life advice? Well as it turns out, my “friends” list as it exists today, is now made up of people I actually know and like. So what better group to go to when I want feedback on something right?

Best Life Advice From My Friends

I asked my friends to share with me their best life advice, in six words or less and this is what they had to say:

Kendell: Define success by your own rules.

Stacy: Always be true to yourself…..

DeNyssa: Live, love, laugh, learn & give thanks!

Kendall: Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Avery: It doesn’t matter what they think.

Tessa: Run free.

Jason: Don’t try to please people.

Kyle: Be yourself.

Kim: What you conceive you achieve.

Melisa: Go big or go home.

Tanya: Life is short. Don’t wait. Travel.

Doh Be A Dick

Q: Doh be a dick.

Bellina: Do what makes you sparkle! 🌠

James: Be curious

Michelle: One word and I need this advice the most. Listen.

Brent: Have faith in God Almighty always.

Nicole: Take a chance.

Nyron: Learn from the mistakes of others (since it is better than learning the hard way).

Latoya: Make peace of mind your priority.

Rosanna: Don’t judge, and be kind.

Abigail: Live love : ) each day as your last!

Daniel: Party – wine – jam – party wine jam. (hahaha)

Rich: Always have vex money.

Jan: Live!


Raeanne: Get some sleep.

One Life To Live

Marcus: Give thanks and keep it moving.

Cynthia: Make JESUS your LORD and SAVIOR!!!

Traci: No one has it together.

Gigi: Live while you can.

Baidawi: Question everything.

Stephan: Never compare yourself to others

Janine: Be kind to yourself always.

Jolene: Be present now.

Lester: Everybody….could Dingolay.

Jonathan: Love never ends.

Damian: There are no limits.

KerriAnne: Have faith.

Alana: Be the best you can be.

Clare: Follow your gut instincts.

Gillian: Don’t give up, must go on!

Corrine: Don’t make promises when you’re happy.

Kathryn: Always start with prayer and coffee.

Kezianne: No matter what, always give thanks…

Martyn: Another person journey is not yours.

Garth: Never give up on you.

Camille: Live love laugh.

Sheldon: Do good. Work hard. Play hard.

Ryan: Master yourself.

Tracey: To thine own self be true.

Olivia: Worry less, do more, love you.

Joni-Dale: Keep doing good , blessings come different.

Khafra: 3 words: Everything. Slight…Pepper.

Sunshine: You Only Live Once – Live!

Portia: 💚Love God and put him first!

Cleopatra: Dream big, set goals, take action.

Abbi: Always be honest to yourself.

Omari: Once there is LIFE there is HOPE

Richard: I want four doubles, slight pepper.

There are some real gems in there! And I realised two things: I am blessed with great people in my life and this could be great list for baby-names. No clue why that thought came to me…but it did.

Sooo, what’s your best life advice in six words of less? Please share below.

Some Mantras To Prepare For A Hectic Week Ahead

Photo By: Ian Schneider, Unsplash

Focus and the power of mantras

Today I’m sharing my personal mantras for the week ahead. A lot is happening in my world right now and I have been preparing myself for all the changes to come. My focus this week is effort, growth and surrender.

I am open to change.

I am willing to take that first step.

I will because I am worth it.

Tell me, do you have use mantras? Have they helped you remain focused on the goal at hand?

Weekend Plans Start With Coffee

Photo by: Natalie Collins, Unsplash

Because All My Weekend Plans Start With Coffee

If we were having coffee, I would tell that it’s been really busy in my part of the world. And when things get like that, I go back to the basics – sleep and then coffee. Today, we are having a quick cup of coffee, while we catch up. A drink and run if you will, but I’m still going to brew in my usual Saturday slow routine.

Let’s see how did the week go? It was a four-day work week for us Trinis, as Monday was a holiday. However, there were are two things to know about that: 1. Four-day work weeks such when you have deadlines. It means that your those four days actually feel like seven. And 2. We spent Monday being anxious and a little afraid, because we were under a tropical storm watch.

Not So Fun Fact: The storm was named Bret. The last time a tropical storm named Bret was headed our way was in 1993. Tropical Storm Bret was one of the deadliest storms to ever hit our very close neighbour Venezuela and the fact that 2017 Bret seemed to be headed directly for us, was a major source of worry on Monday.

Long rainy night and story short, the storm came with heavy rains and gusty winds. Some parts of Trinidad suffered flooding and homes were damaged. Some parts of our country fared better than others. Most of us were grateful that the impact was not any worse.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that once the storm passed, I was out to work on Tuesday for the start of the longest short work week evah! But I survived, powered by many cups of coffee.

Moving On

Speaking of work and the reason we are having a quick cuppa and catch up this week, I am moving to a new department effective July 01st. Now normally it is tough to ensure that everything is ready for handover, be on top of your work (because the work continues) and say goodbye to the team you have grown to enjoy working with for the better part of four years. But trying to do all of that, in a month with three consecutive four-day weeks…is near impossible.

As a result of enjoying those extra days at home, I am heading into the office today, to get some things done without the distraction of ringing phones and deadline. So sorry to brew and run, but tell me your news and we will catch up fully when the dust settles. What’s happening in your world?

Tell me in the comments below.  

#WeekendCoffeeShare is an awesome link-up where coffee is being shared over great conversations. Join in this week’s fun here.