Weekly Photo Challenge: Kiss


Touch with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, reverence, or greeting.

A touch with the lips in kissing.

verb. osculate – buss – lip
noun. buss – osculation – peck

My Odyssey with Love

True love is one-way traffic. It’s a pure flow of giving and expecting nothing in return. Anything else is a contract. Notice how whenever you allow love to flow you are always clear, calm and strong. It is only when the thought arises, “What have they given me in return?” that there is confusion and resentment. Ego transacts, love transforms. Life is too short for all these meticulous contracts and transactions. Remain clear, remain bright, and remain strong. Love without expectation.
– Marc and Angel

I’ve been hurt. A lot.

I’ve had expectations. Too numerous for my own sanity.

Love without Expectation.

Is this even possible?

Valentine’s Day came and went, how many of you had expectations?

How many of you were disappointed and sad?

There are those of us who understand that this love thing is a 365 day celebration.

It requires every day action.


As I continue my journey with my one little word for 2013 TRUTH, I’ve realized that I’ve come to a place where I can say thank you for the love lessons. I’ve had positive and negative experiences and what I’ve learned from both is to:

    1. Always speak the truth
    2. Keep my heart open
    3. Forgive
    4. Let go
    5. Love

This is my post Valentine’s Day message. Forgive. Let go. Love.

People are so afraid of saying “I love you” sometimes. I’ve found that saying it does not make you vulnerable. Saying “I love you” is empowering. It’s freeing. Love is freedom…in all our relationships.

I read somewhere that Happiness is Freedom. Yes, Happiness is freedom…and freedom is being honest.

My one little word TRUTH directs how I present what is in my heart. Truth allows me to open up. My Truth may not always be pretty or what people want to hear…but it has to be expressed. Only then can I be truly free to be me.

And in turn, I must accept TRUTH when it presents itself to me. I must be open to the TRUTH in others and allow that truth to be expressed.

Especially when it’s not what I want to hear. This has been the lesson for February. To accept truth as it is. Not how I wish it to be.

I started this journey with so many plans, hopes and dreams and while I’ve not yet reached where I intended…I’ve been blessed to always be where I’m needed.

I believe that I am love. I AM LOVE.

Every encounter is a divine encounter. I give love and I shine my light and every person I meet has a light to shine for me.

So Thank You for the lessons and I love you.

Love without expectation.

Love without expectation?

I challenge you all, as I challenge myself, to Love without expectation.

Look out for my next update on March 15th. To read updates from other bloggers click here!

How do you know?

So apparently I was on the naughty list. Again.

I truly prided myself on being an okay adult this year (honesty counts right?)…worked my ass off for an organization that does not even provide the padded seating for spin bikes when you’ve worked said “ass” to the bone…! But hey, they pay me just enough to make sure I keep coming back every day so you know how that goes.

I filed my taxes on time. I tithed and I stuck with the gym thing ALL year…ok for most of the year but I did manage to lose 18lbs and change how and what I eat, that has to count for something right? RIGHT!? I made it through a whole year and did not commit homicide or bomb any office buildings, strangle any co-workers or even give in to the rage that only seems to manifest itself as road-venom.



Thus, it was pretty fair for me to expect the following presents under my tree:

    1. Keurig B70 Single Brew Coffee machine, Crockpot, Ice cream maker and a convection oven.

    2. Padding for my spin bike.

    3. No more bloodshed in Trinidad & Tobago except for like a splinter in your finger.

    4. A disciplined Football (read soccer for some of you) team (Real Madrid, CBTT, QRC, SOCA Warriors etal…)

    5. A never-ending supply of mini hand sanitizers preferably of the Bath & Body Works variety.

    6. A pen that appears exactly when I need it.

    7. No more vampires…masquerading as politicians, I deserve to have leadership I can be proud of.

    8. A beam-me-up-scotty-thingee (these can come in handy like you wont believe)

    9. A complete Apartment Make-over.

    10. Some chunky double chocolate chip cookies that are all you can eat with none of the fat. (This one was supposed to be a one-off, one time thing.)

I got none of the above.
Nada. Zip. Zero.
Not even a hand sanitizer!

Instead what I got was something totally different.

Instead of presents this year, I got presence.

Santa...? Is that you?

I got time spent with my family and friends. The full, undivided attention of my beloveds, filled with belly laughs and good food.

There was a popular advertisement on TV that asked over the holiday shopping rush: “How do you know when you’re loved?”

I know…because TIME is actually spelt like LOVE

…and today…that is all I gave and received.

Your presence is a present to the world.

Kissing Frogs

A Prince you say?

I got up this morning, had my usual breakfast smoothie and then headed to the shower. As I was finishing up, there in the corner of my bath was *scream* a frog!


I think we noticed each other’s existence at the same time. I almost broke my neck trying to get away from him and in his bid to get away, the frog jumped towards me for what, the Lord alone knows.

I know I didn’t get all the soap rinsed away but that was ok because no way was I going back in there. How that frog got into the bathroom is still a mystery to me. He must have been hiding under the shower curtain and when he heard the water got curious about what was happening. *bletch*

Disney's Princess and the Frog

To kiss or not to kiss?

If that was my Prince Charming…ah well. Fortunately, I do not believe in that crap fairy tales. Hmmm…this is not entirely true. I believe that other people get the fairytale ending…just not me.

Other people like my brother and sister. My sister got hers last year and now my brother is getting married too. My baby brother is getting married tomorrow! I am ecstatic and happy that he has found a love that satisfies his soul and I’m a little sad too. Mum is not here to experience this, we are truly saying goodbye to childish things and entering a new phase of adulthood – the baby is getting married and well….I am still single.

Being around all this wedding stuff again, has me doing some self-appraisal. That little frog episode could not have happened at a more appropriate time…if there is ever an appropriate time for a frog to squat in your shower WHILE you are showering that is.

What happens when you’re the frog?

Egads! Vernette, is that you?

My self-appraisal brought enough clarity for me to deduce that, while I may think I’ve been kissing royally challenged frogs (see what I did there?) the croaker is actually me. Afterall…who is the common denominator in all these equations?


And guess what ladies and gentlemen? I’m learning that there is nothing wrong with being a frog. We need love too. And in the interim…kisses. Lots and lots of kisses.

Damn! Kissing can cause tied tongues.

So…if you happen to kiss a frog or three and you don’t get the fairytale ending, does it make the love less real? If it does not end with a ring, does it mean that it was not a strong, earth-shattering, changed-forever kinda love? I still don’t believe in fairy tales. But I do believe that if the love is real, you are changed forever. Not into a prince or princess…but a better you, warts and all.

Ribbit! Ribbet!