I will…


As 2012 draws to a close and I look to the bright future of 2013 so pregnant with promise, I want to take a moment and say THANK YOU to all those who found my blog, stayed a minute, shared their thoughts and allowed me to share my light and love with them. Thank you for being a part of my wondrous journey.

 My 2013 Manifesto

My 2013 Manifesto

In this New Year:

I will expect miracles.

I will LOVE. MORE.

I will LOVE. Hard.

I will laugh.

I will forgive.

I will walk, speak and live my truth.

I will cry when I need to.

I will make mistakes.

I will fail. A lot.

I will try. Again.

I will try. Harder.

I will sign my own permission slip.

I will experiment.

I will define my own success.

I will push past my comfort boundaries.

I will share my light.

I will live.


Always bear in mind that your own resolution to
succeed is more important than any other.
– Abraham Lincoln

Again, thank you for ALL your support this past year
and here’s to wishing you
light and happiness
in 2013!


Monday Inspiration – Thankful


Monday Inspiration – Start Today


If you’re like me, it really isn’t such a happy occasion but we are alive and this is a new day, so let’s live like we mean it.

I’ve decided that I’m going to do an inspirational quote every Monday going forward, so that I can set the right tone for the week ahead. Kinda like setting my intentions from the outset, hopefully it will inspire a different approach to and way of thinking about Mondays.

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. Zig Ziglar

So while you have your morning coffee or tea, think about this quote and I hope it inspires positive action for the rest of your day and week.

Start today. Start now.