I have a visual bucket list or as I like to call it Purple Crayon Inspiration over on Pinterest.

Truth be told, I havent looked at it in a while. But today’s Daily Prompt: Kick it made me review it again.

 This is the 11th Item on my list!

This is the 11th Item on my list!

And guess what…I kicked it last year!!! WHOO HOO!!!

DONE and DONE and unto the next!

Monday Inspiration – Start Today


If you’re like me, it really isn’t such a happy occasion but we are alive and this is a new day, so let’s live like we mean it.

I’ve decided that I’m going to do an inspirational quote every Monday going forward, so that I can set the right tone for the week ahead. Kinda like setting my intentions from the outset, hopefully it will inspire a different approach to and way of thinking about Mondays.

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. Zig Ziglar

So while you have your morning coffee or tea, think about this quote and I hope it inspires positive action for the rest of your day and week.

Start today. Start now.