My Favourite Things

There will be hearts all over the world this week and I’m joining in some of the fun and sharing the stuff that made my heart smile this week.

Need some HAPPY in your life?

Some people feel the rain; others just get wet. — Roger Miller. This baby captures the wonder I feel about the rain.

Because it’s Super Grover.In.A.Towel. That is all.

Having a hard day? This should make you chuckle.

Life is short. When your heart says “it’s time”…make the move.

This is one of my favourite episodes from Friends. Happy lobster hunting!

It’s Chocolate Hangover Week my lovelies!!! So here’s to dark chocolate, Tiramisu cupcakes, kissing moles and celebrating my scarred but still open and ever-expanding heart!

My Favourite things

The Really Good Stuff Did you know that Micronations exist? Have you heard of The Principality of Sealand? They have a website and everything.

This is what happens when you mess with an Aussie’s sleep time.

Men do you want to look great without the all that time at gym? Then check out The Push Up Muscle Shirt! You’re welcome!

If you haven’t seen Disney’s Frozen, here are 7 reasons why you should. And I’ll add my own reason: 8. Finally, in a Disney movie true love has nothing to do with romance!

We said Bon Troyage to Troy Barnes a.k.a Donald Glover a.k.a Childish Gambino with an epic Lava Game on Community! I will miss Troy! If you haven’t seen Community, you.are.missing.out.

Happy Sunday!