Be nice to me. I gave blood today.

Well not today today but this is what is says on the sticker the nurse gives me when I’m finished “giving” blood. Today’s prompt asks what was the last donation you made and my last “donation” was on September 26th, the afternoon before I left for my NYC/DC vacation. So what had happened was…

My first time giving blood was for a friend’s mother who had to have major surgery and she needed blood. I’ve been donating pretty much every year since. I have a rule though…I don’t withdraw what I have in the “bank” for non-family members. For friends and friends of friends who are in need of blood, I usually visit the bank and have them take the blood and then donate that pint to that person. This way I always ensure I have a stock for my family and myself. Most people only realize the importance of blood donation until it affects them. *steps off of soap box for a bit*

While I’ve been a blood donor since 2001…the needle…the blood…the blood coming out of my arm still freaks me out. It’s quite an ordeal every six months. Yes siree. So it helps a lot that The Blood Bank has a mobile unit and they visit my office every six months, it is comfortable and familiar there. The nurse who usually does the actual “needle-sticking” and who I’ve grown accustomed to for more than a decade had major surgery earlier this year and has since retired. SOOO imagine my nerves when I realized it was going to be a someone new. A stranger who is not familiar with how finicky my veins are…which arm is best to use and generally understands that I need some extra attention because I’m a big baby until the needle is out of my arm.

For the last 12 years or so I’ve been using the vein which runs almost to the edge of the inside of my elbow. This vein has been used so much there are little needle point scars in that area. The veins on my left arm have always been tricky…either too small, not stable enough or in danger of collapsing…just typing “vein in danger of collapsing” has me feeling faint. But I will forge ahead…my trusty vein on my right hand was pumped and ready.

Then the nurse said that she just couldn’t use it because it wasn’t coming to the surface. In my mind I was like…YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU’RE DOING and I’m going to die on the 16th Floor having bled to death because of your incompetence. Dramatic I know…but hey giving blood is freaking dramatic for me. So she preps my left arm. The arm I’ve NEVER used before. The arm with the tiny veins…that are shaped funny that can OH.MY.GOD.COLLAPSE!!!

I’m hyperventilating at this point. She’s like relax….you will be fine. Deep breaths. I see her with needle in hand ready to stick. And I’m like you better focus on what you’re doing and STOP telling me to relax. I look away and…I…I…I don’t feel a thing! The needle is in and I didn’t feel a thing. But guess what, I worked myself into such a frenzy thinking about her making me bleed to death because she is using a new vein, I started feeling light-headed.

So much drama…she ended up having to tilt my chair backward…so that I was lying down. Blood started flowing again…and I was eventually feeling okay…embarrassed but okay. A little over twenty-five minutes later…I was done. She took the needle out and once again I didn’t feel a thing. I learned that day that the new and unfamiliar are not to be feared. That was the first time I didn’t feel the needle at all and that was the fastest I’ve ever filled the pint. That nurse got skills!

Of course the drama didn’t end there. Like I said at the beginning of the post I gave blood the afternoon before I was heading off on vacation. I mentioned to the nurse that I had an early morning flight and she suggested strongly that I get a good night’s sleep. Long story short…I never got to bed that night. So when I got the airport I felt dead on my feet. I bought a cup of coffee to keep me awake. BAD.EFFING.IDEA. No sleep after giving blood meant my body was working overtime…then to have caffeine on top of that…my poor heart was in overdrive. I started feeling ill even before we boarded.

By the time I was seated I knew I was going to be sick. As soon as the plane started moving I felt like I was going to pass out. It was freaking scary. Thankfully when I told the stewardess that I was feeling sick and why she immediately sprung into action. She made a cold compress for me and made me drink some very sweet juice. By the time the seat belt light was off I was feeling better. Thank you Jesus! Yep I felt like an idiot for not listening to the advice from the nurse and then compounding my error by having coffee…Upside is that I learned my lesson well. The hard way but…well.

*steps onto soap box once again* Here is my plug for blood donation:

People need to be more proactive about donating blood and not wait for something to happen to realize the importance of it. Don’t wait until someone close to you is injured and in need of blood to donate. Giving blood is really about community, and helping each other. According to the Ministry of Health, Trinidad & Tobago needs at least 65,000 units of blood annually yet only about 20,000 units are donated annually.

Also not everyone who volunteers can donate. For example people with hypertension or low iron are not eligible. You can read more about eligibility and where you can donate here.

Did you know that one pint of donated blood can save up to three lives? Blood donation is a trauma I willingly go through because blood is life. There will come a point in my life when I wont be able to give for any number of reasons. And let’s face it, life happens. I don’t want anybody close to me to be in need and I not be in a position to help. So I need to be prepared and do it while I still can.


I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of December:


You can read some awesome entries here: NaBloPoMo December.

Keeping it real

Paulo Coelho

I straddle the line of how much is too much of me, to let the world see…however, as I come to the end of my year of “Truth” I might as well just put it all out there. Right?

Today’s prompt asks: Do you give people more than what they ask for, or do you leave them wanting more? And I had a major AHA-moment thinking about this prompt today. Truth is I think I give more than what people ask for or expect because it’s a form of control.

. Giving is a form of power. But letting in Love, letting in abundance, letting in all the things I truly want is scary because I could risk getting hurt. – Mastin Kipp, The Daily Love

Hi. My name is Vernette and I’m a control freak.

Giving is so much easier than receiving. I will give you my time, love and attention (which to me is one and the same, after all Time spelt another way is Love)…because this I can control. But when it comes to me allowing you to “give” same…I have a hard time with this. “You” giving to me is out of my control. “You” being anybody in my inner and outer circle. I don’t know what to do with this sometimes and it usually leaves me lonely and sad because I feel like I’m not being seen. But sometimes I just don’t know how to articulate what I need. This is funny because I can write and write and write some more about it. But to say the words out loud…whole other story.

You know it’s as basic as not being able to receive a simple compliment and just say “thank you”. I observed this today. My co-workers were still on the company Christmas Dinner high and people said nice things about how I looked on the night and not once did I respond with a simple “thank you.” Not once. I deflected each compliment away from myself. Because the sick thing is…even though I know I looked damn good (yes…I’m saying it myself) it was easier to give them a compliment instead, rather than allow them in enough to “give” to me.

I should be on a therapist couch somewhere…

Anyhoo, I’ve been keeping up with the daily blogging but I have wondered about the quality of posts over the course of the month. I wonder if at the end of this journey I’ll feel like architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and say, “Less is more”.

Am I boring you yet?<— she asks after just dedicating a post to NOT allowing people in.


I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of December:


You can read some awesome entries here: NaBloPoMo December.

You can't google everything

I use Google pretty much everyday. So much so…today I googled “how to get rid of red and brown ants”. I kid you not. I have an ant problem and I tried this baking soda and icing sugar trick and that did not work. No exploding ants here. They are now on full-scale invasion mode and I need to get rid of them in the most humane way possible. Suggestions welcome…feel free to share your tips below.

Right, so I use Google everyday but let’s face it, while the internet is an invaluable source for information it is also chock full of opinions, made up facts and porn. Yes I said it. The internet has porn. Nuff said.

George Bernard Shaw said, “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”

…and I agree with him…believing a lie is worse than living in a bubble. At least if you’re in a bubble it will burst eventually and you will have access to the truth. But if all the information you have is a lie…then you’re like those poor people duped by that fake sign language interpreter.

Of course nothing is true, unless and until you believe it to be so. Thus, you better know that what you know is in fact true!

When I chose my One Word:Truth for 2013 it was with the specific intention to get comfortable in my own skin because this is where I live. Getting comfortable in my own skin means being authentic. It means listening to my “gut” more often. It means tapping into and listening to that “woman’s intuition” which some women I am guilty of dumbing down and disregarding. If something doesn’t feel right…it probably isn’t. I’ve learned the hard way that believing a lie is worse than ignorance!

How do you know that what you know is true:

Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. ~ Miguel Angel Ruiz

And that my dear friends…is something you can’t google!


I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of December:


You can read some awesome entries here: NaBloPoMo December.

My hours

We all get the same 24 hours in a day. No more, no less. If you’re like me, you spend 5-6 hours sleeping…on a good night. That leaves 18 hours. Then I spend 8-9 hours working on my employer’s dream. I got 9 hours left. My commute to and from work is roughly an hour. I’m now down to 8. By the time I shower/play Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook/check Twitter/read blogs/respond to emails/eat/study/write my own blog/work on my side hustle…tomorrow has arrived. And it’s time to do it all over again.

For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I refuse to spend even one hour of my day with someone I cannot stand. Life is way too short for that. I truly believe that time is the only real currency we have because we exchange it for everything else in this life. I cannot be fully present to the present if I’m bitching about just how much I can’t stand someone now can I? Besides the less time I spend with people who rub me the wrong the more time I have for the people who matter.

So tell me…how are you using your 24 hours? Are you robbing yourself of even a moment of happiness doing something, spending time with someone…living a life that is not your best life? Or are you living authentically?


I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of December:


You can read some awesome entries here: NaBloPoMo December.


I’m killing two birds with one stone today. I’m using today’s Daily Prompt to complete my NaBloPoMo post today.

If I were stuck on a deserted island the 5 items I’d want to have:

1. My Kindle. I thought about this in last four minutes of writing and realized that I’ll burn through the battery in no time. So not my kindle. I’ll bring a water bottle instead.

2. A knife or machete – I could protect myself, feed myself and shelter myself with this one.

3. Matches – Until I develop the patience to rub two sticks together I’ll need some help. A jumbo box of matches will help with building fires to alert passing boats.

4. A blanket – I went camping once on a small island off Trinidad some years ago and when the sun went down, that breeze coming off the ocean was deadly. I’ll need to be warm and a blanket will shelter me from the sun too.

5. A pair of crocs – I’ll need to explore said island and my feet need to be protected.

My phone rang and interrupted my last two minutes. So I’m using my last five minutes to complain about how the loud ticking of my timer was a distraction. I felt rushed trying to think and write coherently for 10 minutes. I was tempted to use “text speak” shortening my words. And I admit that I think I cheated using the Daily Prompt. Oh and I still want to take my Kindle. Even though the battery will die after 4 hours…I’ll be happy reading for 4 hours. And the timer buzzing literally shocked my brain and made me jump outta my skin!


I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of December:


You can read some awesome entries here: NaBloPoMo December.