Been a while since I’ve published a post and I’m grateful to have had you lovely people finding my blog and reading despite this space being dormant for over a month.
As 2013 winds down, I’m clearing out the cobwebs and starting December with a GRATITUDE post. God is working in my life and I must share. I don’t always understand why things happen but I keep learning from my experiences and moving forward.
“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18
I’m grateful for another day of life. Not the bullshit version, where it’s all unicorns and glitter…nope…I’m grateful for those “shit happens” lessons, those “evil exists in this world” lessons and so we shouldn’t take LIFE..oxygen for granted. When you get to see another day…when you get another chance to try again…BE GRATEFUL, then get up and DO SOMETHING!
I’m grateful for my One Word which has impacted my life significantly this year. Truth has been the foundation upon which I built, rebuilt and created new relationships this year. This meant I lost relationships which weren’t in alignment with my new focus and I have never felt freer. No regrets.
I’m grateful for my Cohort Of Awesome. You enrich my life You make me better. I see you. I appreciate you. I have learned from my sister-in-law what an indomitable spirit truly means, from my sister I’ve learned that 6 not 3 times the charm and that nothing is too much when your dream is on the line. And Ingrid, we’ve been friends since we were 5…you know the real me and still you continue to support and encourage me. These three are pillars of light in my COA…attention must be paid.
I’m grateful for my heart-open approach to love. There was a time in my life when I tried valiantly to hide that part of me. There was a time when I tried being cynical because I didn’t feel safe revealing the real me. That was a sad, dark and lonely time. I’ve learned…the hard way, that this is not who I am. That is not who I was created to be. Someone said to me recently that when I love, I love with all of me…and I felt seen. I’m grateful for all the love I get to have in my life. I’m grateful that I get to share my love and that I get to BE LOVE.
And finally, I’m grateful for YOU. Sawubona. This is an African Zulu greeting, pronounced Sow-bow-nah, it means “I see you”, I see your personality, I see your humanity, I see your potential, I see your presence, I see your dignity and I respect and appreciate all that I see. The response is “Yebo Sawubona” which means “yes I see you too.” Because this blog is a dialogue between you and me. When you find this heart expression of mine and it resonates with you…we see each other. Thus, Sawubona now becomes an invitation to participate in each other’s life and for this I thank you for reading and allowing me this moment to be part of your journey.
I’m trying NaBloPoMo December and this month’s theme is More/Less. I think this is a fitting way to close 2013. I want more gratitude. I want more thanksgiving and less fussing, complaining and worry and fear. You can look out for posts over the course of the month as I explore this theme.
Now I wanna hear from you. What are you grateful for? What has been happening in your life that you are learning from? Please share below.
I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of December:

You can read some awesome entries here: NaBloPoMo December.