Happy December!!!
2014 is truly on its way to being history and it has been quite a year thus far for me. I am back in exam mode this week. So today’s post will be short and sweet.
I am also taking part in a couple of challenges this month only now as I think about just how busy December gets I might have bitten off more than I can chew…but hopefully I wont choke half-way through.
On Instagram I am taking part in #DecemberReflections for the entire month. And I am also taking part in this month’s NaBloPoMo: Joy.
My gratitude practice, this weekly 7 for Seven…this attention and witness I give to all that I have to be thankful for brings me so much Joy! It is hard to be anything but thankful. This is what I do when I am feeling down…I review my 7 for Seven and I get the whipped cream on my coffee!
So without further ado,
…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~ Key + Arrow
7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and now let’s get into my 7 for this week:
Getting my coffee just right. I have coffee pretty much everyday…but some days I might get the measurements wrong for some reason and it might not taste as good. But this week I was 7 for 7 on great coffee brews.
The start of Advent. Happy New Year to those observing the Advent calendar. This is a time for introspection as we prepare for the birth of Jesus.
Business stakeholder meetings that turn into a fruitful networking opportunity. I had the privilege of being seated at a table with some fantastically awesome people. It’s mind-blowing sometimes what some people are doing right here in Trinidad.
Quality time with my family. This week my sister celebrated her birthday and my aunt and uncle also celebrated 54 years of marriage. We have so much to be thankful for. Here’s more celebrations like these.
Faith. I thank my mother every day for introducing me to God because if not for her and the example of faith she set, I don’t know what my life would be like today.
Prayer. Again this week. I had somewhat of a little ‘miracle’ happen on Sunday. I usually attend Mass at a church that is not really a “community” church. Meaning, it’s not my community. So I just attend Mass and leave. There is no socializing after Mass or getting involved in church activities. Something I have been avoiding since my mother died for a number of reasons. I was late for Mass at the church I usually go to so decided to go to the one which is right around the corner from me. Now understand, the reason I don’t go to this church is because it is a community church…so I expect it to be filled with families and everybody knows everybody kinda parishioners. I got the Mass time wrong and was about half hour too early, I was about to leave but decided to sit in the car for a bit and pray Day 2 of The Immaculate Conception Novena. While praying I decided I wasn’t going to leave and I would just go back inside the church and stay for Mass. When I got inside, the first thing I saw was an Immaculate Conception Statue. This was after praying for a sign. So there you have it.
Community churches that move my soul. I sat at the back of the church and observed a family of four – mother, daughter and two small boys. I don’t know what it was about them, but watching the boys interact with their mother and the daughter who appeared to be in her teens displaying her teenage angst, reminded me of family and two women I love and miss dearly. It was moving and while my tears reminded me why I avoid “community” churches…they also reminded me of how much love I have had in my own life and how much love I have to give.
And there you have it. My hope is that by turning my focus to all that I have to be grateful for at the start of my work week, by sowing my own seeds of faith and gratitude, I can carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead.
If you’re reading this, this is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire. What made you happy today? What are you grateful for? I would love to hear from you.