The Shroud of Two Rings

I have been working in my own little bubble for more than 4 years.

It was what I needed at the time.

When my mother died, I needed space. During her decline, there was no room for dealing with my own feelings. So after she died I needed time to process everything I had pushed deep down inside for months.

I was so grateful for the peace and quiet at work. I was in my own space and my supervisor pretty much left me up to my own devices. He really trusted me to work on my own.

I was grateful for this safe haven. Because there was no way I could have faced an office full of people, acting like life goes on, when my world was never going to be the same. I would have lost it. I know that is a luxury that many people don’t have and the fact that I had this haven is something I will be forever grateful for.

So in my own little cocoon I worked.

I started the process of facing what I was feeling and started dealing with my grief.

I went inward.

I healed. Slowly.

This however had an unfortunate side-effect.

The rest of my unit and the wider department formed their own opinions of my “hermit behaviour”. They saw it as me being a bitch or…not liking people. Which if I’m honest is not entirely false. Either opinion that is.

However, I didn’t particularly care what anybody thought.

I worked well. I worked hard.

I worked alone.

But like everything else in this life…ALL THAT IS ABOUT TO CHANGE.

On February 03rd, I will MOVE to a new department. Not only is it going to be on a floor full of people, I will be expected to be team lead in a unit of men.

Funny enough, my One Word for 2014 is MOVE.

However, when I set my intentions for 2014, I expected a move of some sort…but no way did I see this one coming and I am not entirely sure that I am ready. Be careful what you wish for…right!

But guess what, there is a time for everything.

My time for being silent is over.

Now it’s time to be seen and be heard.

It is time to shed The Shroud of Two Rings. Which is the name my supervisor gave my moods. And yes he told me that this is the name he gave the almost impenetrable hard exterior I usually wear to work.

And no, I’m not mad at him.

He has actually been really understanding and patient with me. I will forever be grateful for the space he allowed me to just be me.

The other side of the coin is that this has been my struggle all week: Being truly me and feeling pangs of…will that be enough?

Will my reputation for being a ball-buster help me here? Time will tell.

But for 2014…I’m liking unpredictable endings. So far.

You Are Loved

When I chose my One Word for 2014 I was so not prepared for things to start MOVING so quickly. Be careful what you ask for…or you just might get it!

I started this year in prayer asking the Lord to begin something new in my relationship with Him. I gave my life to Him and I asked Him to move in my heart, because I cannot achieve anything this year without Him.

Today at work, I found out that I am MOVING to a new department at the beginning of February. It’s more responsibility and just what I have been praying for and working hard towards. I praise and thank Him for His blessings.

14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.

~ Psalm 139:14

Who are we to doubt Him?

Today, I say to you, trust the path that you are on. For you – in all your unique, idiosyncratic glory – were lovingly created.

You are His masterpiece.

You are loved.

Today’s post is a two-fer.

I’m doing my monthly One Word Update where I share the evolution of this One Word journey on the 15th of every month. So stay tuned for my next update on February 15th.


Coffee-for-Your-Heart-150Last week, I discovered that there is a lovely bunch of ladies who share coffee and encouragement every Wednesday. I was like…whaaat…women having coffee and encouraging each other??? I have to get in on this.

So today I join the lovely Holley Gerth for her, “Coffee for Your Heart” link up.

You can read all about this lovely cup of goodness by clicking on the button to the right.

My One Word 2014


This is my second year doing my One Word 365. I gave up making resolutions last year. What’s this all about? You can read more about the movement here. You can also read about the impact my one word:Truth had on my journey through 2013.


My One Word for 2014 iiiisss:
*drum roll please*


Walking in truth for 2013 helped me shed the ideas that were no longer propelling me towards my best self.

I’ve already set my intentions for 2014 here and here. Now it’s time to make it happen.

What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. – Ralph Marston

Set Intention.

Take the next simple step forward.



Lord, as I begin a new year, begin something new in my relationship with You. I give my life to You. I need You to move in my heart today. Because I can’t achieve any of this without You. Amen.

I will share the evolution of this journey on the 15th of every month. So stay tuned for my next update on January 15th.

Once again Melanie Moore of the lovely blog Only A Breath is gifting fellow bloggers from her heart. If you want to create an awesome custom image of your One word like the One Word button in my sidebar please click here. A special, special thank you to Melanie for this lovely gift.

Your present circumstances don’t determine
where you can go;
they merely determine where you start.
– Nido Qubein

So folks, in the spirit of clean slates, fresh starts and new beginnings, if you could choose just one word to inspire you for 2014, what would it be?

Brainstorm and please feel free to share it with me in the comments below!

My One Word

14 days left in 2013?! Where did the time go??? It seems like just yesterday I was deciding on the One Word I would focus on for 2013.


At the beginning of this year I set the intention that TRUTH was going to guide all my actions, words and decisions. Looking back now…I can say with satisfaction that I have truly been living my “one word” – TRUTH.

Truth has been at the centre of all my relationships, interactions and how I love myself. And I am truly grateful for having this “one word” to focus on.

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned about myself over last 12 months is that it’s okay to take a “time-out” so that I can get closer to how I truly feel and to understand better what is happening in my mind and body. By taking a simple time-out I was able to tap into how I really feel about situations, people and this life I am creating for myself moment to moment. I have learned how to align this truth to my actions and so my experiences have been more authentic and this has made a huge difference in how I perceive the world I live in.

As I come to the almost end of my journey with my one little word for 2013, I can say that I feel more confident that I live, walk and love my truth! Yes there are still some situations where I feel like I am not being my 100% authentic self but this is also part of the truth I had to face within myself:

I am a work-in-progress. I wont get it right all the time but I am working to get it right most of the time.

What else have I learned?

    1. Always speak the truth. Duhh!
    2. Keep my heart open.
    3. Forgive. Let go. Love.
    4. Saying “I love you” is empowering. It’s freeing. Love is freedom…in all my relationships.
    5. Freedom is being honest.
    6. My Truth may not always be pretty or what people want to hear…but it has to be expressed. Only then can I be truly free to be me.
    7. I must accept TRUTH when it presents itself to me. I must be open to the TRUTH in others and allow that truth to be expressed. Especially when it’s not what I want to hear. I must accept truth as it is. Not how I wish it to be.

So what did you focus on in 2013?

Would you consider your own “One Word” for 2014?

I already have mine! Which of course I cannot wait to share with everyone.

It can be something tangible or intangible. It can be a thought, a feeling, an action, or a character trait. Your word will be a reminder, a nudge. Something you can reflect on, that will challenge you, that will inspire you.

Your word can be anything you want it to be. All that matters is that it has personal meaning for you.

This is your word. It needs to resonate with your heart, no one else’s. ~ One Word 365

This is the “resolution revolution” taking place over at One Word 365.

I would love to hear about your “One Word” if you had one for 2013 and what the journey was like for you. If you didn’t have one would you consider choosing just one word for 2014?

Live your Truth
