Quote of the Day


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{Linking back to http://VernetteOutLoud.wordpress.com is appreciated.}

7 for Seven

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” Or so my brother insisted as he honked up a storm at my gate early Saturday morning…I’m sure to the annoyance of my neighbours. Are you feeling Christmas this year? Or nah?

I’m definitely feeling some excitement this year…and even more so that it’s Monday!!!

…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~ Key + Arrow

7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and now let’s get into my 7 for this week:

Christmas family traditions. My sister, brother and I continued our family tradition of making pastelles for Christmas. For the uninitiated, pastelle is a local Christmas favourite (although I have them year-round) made of minced meat well seasoned with olives, capers and raisins wrapped in a cornmeal dough which is steamed. Every year we get together and make our own for the season and beyond. This year, our pastelles are a tad on the spicy side, since there was a hot chilli pepper masquerading as a pimento pepper in our seasoning. But’s all good and they will be enjoyed regardless.

Christmas spirit. I am finally beginning to feel the excitement of the season!

Coffee with my hippie friends. Coffee with friends is always so much better isn’t it?

Vacation approved. Because vacay b*tches!!!

My brother and sister. Family is everything. I am so thankful for them. Deepak said it best, “If you want to do really important things in life and big things in life, you can’t do anything by yourself. And your best teams are your friends and your siblings.”

Prayer, Faith and Action. In that order. Let go of the outcome and then repeat. This pretty much sums up my life last week. And I have been counting my blessings!

Classic movies. As I type this, The Sound of Music is on TV. There is just something about the season that makes you want to curl up with your loved ones and drink something warm and chocolatey and watch an old favourite. This week I’m sure I will watch Love Actually, Home Alone and Elf.

And there you have it. My hope is that by turning my focus to all that I have to be grateful for at the start of my work week, by sowing my own seeds of faith and gratitude, I can carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead.

Christmas is here and the days are getting shorter. But thankfully we still get the same 86,400 seconds to manifest our best life. If you’re reading this, this is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire. What made you happy today? What are you grateful for? I would love to hear from you.

Five Minute Friday: Adore


I’m linking up with the awesome Kate and the other equally talented writers of the Five Minute Friday community.

This is the GRAND FINALE of Five Minute Friday for 2014 {imagine that}!

Click on the button to the right for more details on what this challenge is all about and how you can participate {it’s not too late to join in}.


You’re checking off lists and checking them twice, preparing for guests, planning menus and braving long lines to ensure we have absolutely everything that you might need to ensure that everyone has the best holiday season.

When do you stop to catch your breath?

Is it in the quiet of the morning, before everyone else wakes up?

I took a walk at lunchtime today because my building was cold and felt I needed the sun on my skin to help me thaw out. As I strolled through Downtown, Port of Spain, all the streets were alive with shoppers.

It seemed like everybody was carrying a bag or in line at a cashier to fill a bag. Most of the faces in the lines had a look of frustration or tiredness and it made my resolve to opt out of gift-buying around this time of year even stronger.

Instead of spending time in lines, I am looking forward to investing quality time with my family and close friends.

As I looked at the tired faces around me or people lugging around huge bags of stuff I had to wonder, why?

For one day? Or in our case here in Trinidad we have a long weekend…so I suppose people are preparing for hordes of family and friends visiting? Maybe?

I get that…but when do you take care of you? When do you make time to cherish yourself during the busyness of the season?

The reason we are sometimes so overwhelmed by everything merry and bright is because we forget that before we can take care of anyone else, we have to take care of ourselves first.

Honor yourself first because you are no good to anyone if you are no good to yourself.

My wish today for all those shoppers and people caught up in the bustle of this festive time of year: Remember to take care of yourself. There is life after the holiday season.


Short and sweet this week. Happy Everything to my FMF Family! I wish you nothing but the very best! See you in 2015

Weekly Photo Challenge: Yellow


Working late sucks except for the spectacular sunsets I get to enjoy! Almost makes it kinda worth it…almost!

Wordless Wednesday
