All Grown Up

When was the first time you really felt like a grown up (if ever)?

I remember it clearly.

It was a Tuesday back in June 2010.

My mother, sister and I were returning from what would be one of the last visits to my mother’s Doctor. I was sitting on the back seat of the car, mummy directly in front of me. Trudy was driving.

I was trying my best to keep the tears at bay. But I simply couldn’t.

My mother said, “It’s bad isn’t it?”

And I said… “Yes. But we will get thru it.”

I could have chosen many milestones throughout my “adulthood” but despite age and the decisions I had to make over the years, the decision I made that day was the most adult thing I have ever done.

I was going to be strong for my mother, so she could be strong enough to let go when the time came.

My mother was my first love. It is from her I first learned what unconditional love really meant. Loving someone enough to let them go is hard…letting go of my mother…


I still cannot even begin to describe what that took.

The Mama & I

The mama & I

Weekly Photo Challenge: Forward

"The sea will wash away our footprints but not the fact we made them.” ― Marty Rubin

“The sea will wash away our footprints but not the fact we made them.” ― Marty Rubin

Forward is living the best life I possibly can.

Forward is living intentionally.

Forward is forgiveness.

Forward is truth.

Forward is accepting truth.

Forward is living with passion.

Forward is cutting ties.

Forward is moving on.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Kiss


Touch with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, reverence, or greeting.

A touch with the lips in kissing.

verb. osculate – buss – lip
noun. buss – osculation – peck

Weekly Photo Challenge: Beyond

Quote me

I am a quote junkie. I collect them. I print them and put them in places I can see them every day so that they can inspire me all the time.

Today’s Daily Prompt: Quote me is an opportunity to share with you a new favourite of mine.

Do you remember when you were a kid and could not wait to grow up? You longed to be a whole hand, then a teenager…finally 18 and then you got to 21 and realised…wait I don’t “feel” any different?!

It hits you somewhere around this time in your life that “growing up” really has little to do with age!

Photo by: V Superville

Photo by: V Superville

When I first saw this quote it resonated with me because I am at a stage in my life where I am growing and stretching and evolving and it’s SCARY!

It is scary to let go of the past, to move beyond familiar things and to identify and change behaviours that no longer align with the me I want to be.

I like being reminded that living takes courage.

Living out loud, takes a hell of a lot of courage.

Becoming the “me”…or rather evolving into the me
that I was created to be…takes courage.

I like knowing that I have that courage.