Quote of the Day


Read, enjoy, share.

Anytime, anywhere.

{Linking back to http://VernetteOutLoud.wordpress.com is appreciated.}

Quote of the Day

Learn to value yourself, which means-

Read, enjoy, share.

Anytime, anywhere.

{Linking back to http://VernetteOutLoud.wordpress.com is appreciated.}

Quote of the Day


Read, enjoy, share.

Anytime, anywhere.

{Linking back to http://VernetteOutLoud.wordpress.com is appreciated.}

Quote of the Day

My goal is to live a life I don't need a

Quote of the Day

Music can change the world because it

Read, enjoy, share.

Anytime, anywhere.

{Linking back to http://VernetteOutLoud.wordpress.com is appreciated.}

This quote was taken from Joan Didion’s essay “On Keeping A Notebook.” And in it she talks about how writing/keeping a notebook can help us stay in touch with who we used to be.

As she said, “we are all on our own when it comes to keeping those lines open to ourselves”. And I suppose that is what this blogging business is all about to me.