7 for SEVEN [x7]


I hope you are having the most fantastic December of your life! But if you aren’t and it’s just a regular December…that’s cool too. You may have noticed that things have been extremely quiet on the blog for a while…124 days of quiet to be exact. What was supposed to be a short break to revamp the look of the blog and work on better content for you ended up being a four-month long hiatus. Because…Life Happens.

I love my blog. I love writing and I have missed this space and my blogging community. A lot! I appreciate you for still reading and still supporting my little patch of internet. That said, I am super-SUPER-excited to share with you all the brand new content (articles, tips, rituals and all the good stuff in the Inspiration Library) I’ve been working on all this time to help make 2016 the best year of our lives.

Things will kick-off on January 01st, with my One Word reveal for 2016, the new direction of the blog and a giveaway. Be sure to subscribe, so that you NEVER MISS A POST!

I know it’s been a while but in this space on this day of the week…

…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~ Key + Arrow

7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow ; I adopted the practice and for the last two years it has impacted my life in many positive ways. My 7 this week is a bit of a cheat, because I am actually doing a SEVEN X SEVEN gratitude post! Bear with me as I am super grateful for:

2015 has been an amazing year full of challenges, successes, plenty change and mad personal growth. I am grateful for all the love (in all the forms it took) in my life, the new places I’ve been to, the great food I’ve tried and all the good coffee I’ve had.

My biggest lesson this year has been: Obstacles Are Good. And I am grateful for every last one of them. I’m a better, stronger, more beautiful me because of them.

And the other 48 things I’m grateful for are: View Post

7 For Seven

7 for (1)

Five years ago today…I was preparing to say my final goodbye to my mother. It was a day quite like this one – sunny, blue skies – except there was a slow motion quality to everything.

Five years later…it is still surreal. I heard her name being called at Mass this weekend and for a second I was like…”hey that’s mummy’s name.”

Grief does not get easier. All them books on it…they lie. Who feels it, knows it. And I’m learning to live with it. I’m learning how to be happy in a world that is forever changed. I’m learning to live all the lessons she taught me.

I would not be the woman I am today without them. And as painful as it might be to admit this, I would not be who I am today, if she were still here.

…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~ Key + Arrow

7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and I have adopted the practice and it has really changed my life in positive ways. My 7 this week is all about the woman who God chose to create me. I love her. I miss her every. single. day.

Thank you for giving me life. Thank you for being my first love. Thank you for teaching me how to let go of someone I love. Letting you go was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

Dear Mummy, thank you for introducing me to God. It is this faith that gives me the strength to move forward in joyful hope.

Thank you for showing me how to be strong. Around the time we decided as a family that mummy was not going to do any more chemo treatments, I asked her what was the one lesson she learned from her whole journey with Ovarian Cancer. She said to me that having cancer, taught her how to be strong. This from the woman who raised three children on her own, during a recession, cleaning people’s houses to make ends meet. I have so much respect for what she calls “strength”.

Thank you for my sister and brother. This journey would have been super boring without having them to blame things on. Thank you drumming it into our heads teaching us what is really important. Thank you for a childhood that may have lacked “wants” but was full of the things that really mattered – Love, plenty laughter and a mother who cheated to win against her own kids at board games. Yes folks my mother hated losing…to her children.

Thank you for allowing me to bathe in the rain! I’m a hardcore pluviophile and proud!

Thank you for all the support and encouragement.

 Gloria Amelia Superville May 05, 1947 – August 07, 2010 “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my Spirit rejoices in God my Saviour”  Luke 1:46-48

Gloria Amelia Superville
May 05, 1947 – August 07, 2010
“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my Spirit rejoices in God my Saviour”
Luke 1:46-48

I want to make you so proud. I want when people meet me that they see a bit of you too. I want them to know that the woman I am today was because you worked hard, you sacrificed so that I could get here. I am so grateful for the time I had with you and I hope to live a life where time with the people I love is always my number one priority!

I will pay attention to the little things today. Those little things, the mundane details that make up all the blessings in my life as I move through this day still so full of promise. By sowing these seeds of faith and gratitude, I can truly carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead and well into the week ahead.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate you! This is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire.

Make those seconds count!

I love hearing from you…what are you grateful today? What made you smile? Feel free to share below!

7 for SEVEN

7 for (1)

Youuuu guysss!!! July is my favourite month of the year! It’s my birthday month ya’ll and I’m super excited for all this month and the next year of my life has to offer and I’m even more excited (if that were even possible) to with you my SEVEN for this week:

Rainy days. I love the rain. I love rainy days and snuggling deeper under the covers. And I get to sing to the annoyance of those around me…”Here comes the rain gain…”

Saying YES. I made a commitment to myself this year that I will say yes to experiences that put me in the same room with like minded people who will inspire me to be a better me. I had one of those experiences this week. I accepted an invitation to a book launch and that one YES has lead to so many great opportunities I almost cannot believe it.

JULY!!! It’s my birthday month!

Trying new things. My gym has started TRX Training and after being encouraged by friends I decided to give it a try. OH.EM.GEE. DEATH!!! What my “friends” failed to mention is that TRX was born in the Navy Seals and it uses your body weight and gravity to complete the exercises. I started the class with some trepidation but I still was not ready. I thought I was going to die. I felt like I wanted to throw up for an hour afterward. Rivers of sweat mixed with tears…thank the Lord for the sweat because it was a class where the men outnumbered the women – almost unheard of in my gym and really that bit alone should have tipped me off. This shit was VERY hard…arms, legs and brain was quivering from the shock afterward. All this to impress upon you that TRX is NOT for the lazy. You will die. And it does not end there…the morning after the workout, I tried to swing my legs off the bed to get up and start my day…I had to look back for my legs. You will die. And for the rest of the week you will ache from your neck down. But you will want to do it again. Because…the shock wears off and the aches subside and you feel great about yourself (You didnt actually die) and then you have try it again, if only to prove to yourself that you can.

Chocolate cake. Because yes! Always YES. (And I deserved it after that TRX class)

Good friends I am blessed to have surrounded myself with really good people who tell it like it is. Always reminding me that “good work speaks for itself” whenever I start doubting myself and start worrying that I might not being enough.

172 days to Christmas…how you like them apples and grapes and presents and fireworks and BAM! the year is over. Get started. Every success story, started with a first day. You dont have to get it right…just get it going. A lesson I have been learning as I push myself out of my comfort zone and face my fears.

My hope is that by paying attention to the little things, the every day details that make up all the blessings in my life and by sowing the seeds of faith and gratitude, I can truly carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate you! This is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire.

Make those seconds count!

I love hearing from you…what are you grateful today? What made you smile? Feel free to share below!


Instagram is my favourite place to connect.
FOLLOW ME there and say HI!!!

Quote of the Day


Read, enjoy, share.

Anytime, anywhere.

{Linking back to http://VernetteOutLoud.com is appreciated.}

7 for SEVEN

7 for (1)

Hellooo Loves! I’m loving that June begins on a Monday! Everything just feels so right.

June is always a busy month for me. Exams..ugh! I feel like I’ve been doing some exam or the other all my life. But there is a light at the end of this particular tunnel and I see it. It’s tiny right now…but it’s there!

So with eyes trained on the light on the horizon, here is my 7 for Seven this week:

Positive People. I have been blessed to have met and known many strong women on this journey. One such lady is my mother’s friend and she continues to support my family even though mummy is no longer here. Over the years, I watched her grow into the woman God created her to be. Life has not been easy for her…but then I don’t think any of us has ever met a strong person whose life was easy. She recently celebrated her 50th birthday even though she looks at least 15 years younger. But that’s how it goes when you laugh as much as she does. I am grateful to have Mariana Galindo in my life; she continues to inspire me to be better. Cheers to the next 50 beautiful lady!

Happy Memories. Being around Mariana this last week stirred up nostalgia like you wouldn’t believe. When it was time to get the words out for my own toast, it was hard, because so much of mummy’s life especially in the last two years involved her friendship with Mariana. I find myself even when the tears come, smiling at the joy they brought to each.

My Cohort of Awesome. I talk about this elite group often and still it will never be enough. I am so happy to have these people in my life. They see the real me and they are okay with who that is. So grateful.

Unto the next adventure. I’m attending my first blogger conference next month! I’m super excited about it especially as the planning with my fellow adventurers heats up!

Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Coffee. Because yes!

Being able to find time to read… things other than emails and textbooks. Yay for recreational reading!

Which brings me to books that open your mind. I just finished reading #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso. This review sums up my general feelings on the book. However, reading this book led me to what is now one of my favourite TED talks!

In case you missed it, Mel said, that there was a 1 in 400 trillion…YES TRILLION chance that you were born you. This takes into account the chance of your parents meeting each other, in this time and history of the planet, the chance of them reproducing, the chance of you being born at the exact moment that you were and every other factor including the extinction of the dinosaurs that goes into each individual person. You were born you, for a reason. And if that is not the kick in the pants you need to get out of bed and go do what you were created to do, I don’t know what is. It’s a new month! The year is half-way through…go make some shit happen! It’s now. The time is always now.

And there you have it folks, I hope that by paying attention to all the blessings in my life and by sowing the seeds of faith and gratitude, I can truly carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate you! This is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire.

Make those seconds count!

I love hearing from you…what are you grateful today? What made you smile? Feel free to share below!


Instagram is my favourite place to connect.
FOLLOW ME there and say HI!!!