Has it really been four whole months?
My last post in this space I was happily celebrating my half-birthday. Quick update, I’ve celebrated two of my friends’ half-birthdays since and I believe that this is something that will catch on. But I digress. Let’s talk about starting again and this being the first day of my very own 30-Day “blogging” challenge.
Back in 2011 Max Cutts gave a brilliant TED Talk on the benefits of trying something for 30 days. It’s well worth the 3-minute watch.
While blogging every day for a whole month is really not “trying something new” for me. I feel like I’ve been away for so long that it might as well qualify as an experiment in stick-to-it-tiveness. Which is a much needed habit to cultivate and 30 days “is just about the right amount of time to add a new habit” to my life.
So I’m starting again today. I haven’t created any daily prompts and this might come back to bite me on the ass during this 30-day journey. But the great thing is for the most part I have a clear idea of how the blog space will be filled, and I have written down the general content I want to publish over the course of the next four weeks.
I have have also decided that this experiment will extend to Instagram and as you can see from today’s post, June is off to a fantastic start!
What isn’t in this photo however, is that this was my second attempt. My first try exploded all over my kitchen counter, my belly and thighs. It was a painful reminder that you shouldn’t attempt to make you morning coffee before you’ve actually had your morning coffee.
So here’s to starting again. Here’s to taking small steps, doing something I love – writing – and at the end of this experiment, let’s hope that these changes stick!
Have you ever tried a 30-Day Challenge? What was the outcome? Or will you be trying a 30-day challenge this month as well?Please feel free to share below!