Virtual Blog Tour Revisited

Hey loves!

A few weeks ago, I posted my response to being nominated for A Virtual Blog Tour about my creative process. Part of the tour involves passing the ‘baton’ and I nominated three other bloggers to do the same and post their responses today. I’m super excited that Vikera, from Vikera’s Mind Maze, was able to accept the nomination.

In her response, Vikera takes us on a little trip into the Mind Maze. Fairly new to the blogging world, Vikera shares with us why she blogs and what spurs her to continue.

A very talented writer, Vikera, blogs about her perspective on life with such authenticity and humor it’s hard not to like her little patch of the internet. She also shares great advice and tips on “how to get out of debt’.

So if you have some time today and would like to explore the Mind Maze for a bit, why not check out her blog and see for yourself? Trust me you won’t be disappointed!

Virtual Blog Tour

A few weeks ago the lovely KiwiBee nominated me for the Virtual Blog Tour and I am truly humbled and honoured that she chose me. She selected today September 22 as my posting date and while I usually gracefully decline these nominations, this one was unique and the rules are fairly simple to follow.

There are only three rules for this tour:

1. Compose a one-time post which is posted on Monday (date will be given to you from whoever passes on the tour).

2. Answer these four questions about your creative process which lets other bloggers and visitors know what inspires you to do what you do:

  • What am I working on?
  • How does my work differ from others of its genre?
  • Why do I write/create what I do?
  • How does your writing/creating process work?

3. Pass the tour on to up to four other bloggers. Get their permission first, give them rules and a specific Monday to post.

So here goes:

1. What am I working on?

At the start of 2014, I made a commitment to myself, that I will submit not one, but two posts to websites I enjoy reading, with the hope of getting published. I’ve submitted one so far and I’m currently working on the other. I am also working my way through the #30Layers30Days Self-Discovery Challenge which is being led by the lovely GG Renee of All The Many LayersI have been micro-blogging through this challenge here on Instagram.

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

This space is not a niche anything really and I don’t like comparing my blog to others. I love food. I love books. I love having new adventures, whether it be exploring new places or simply discovering new things about myself. And I love sharing my stories. I started this blog because I was looking for an avenue to write what I wanted, how I wanted and I found it and I’ve not looked back. I blog about what moves me.

3. Why do I write/create?

Henri Matisse said that creativity takes courage. For me creating / writing / blogging is soul work. I do it because I have to.

4. How does my writing/creative process work?

Ideas can strike at anytime. I have a notebook I use to jot my ideas down in if I’m not close to a computer. My Drafts folder is working overtime these days, because I store a lot of my ideas there for future reference as well. I love sharing quotes that move me, thus, Canva is my absolute favourite tool to create and share my favourites. My writing process from idea to hitting publish can take anywhere from an hour to years, but for me its more about getting the words out rather than publishing a post.

So there you have it. This is my creative process. It isn’t pretty and sometimes an idea might turn out to be dud but that’s okay. As long as I don’t let it stay in my head, I’m good.

I would like to nominate the following bloggers for a Virtual Blog Tour post on October 20:

Vikera’s Mind Maze

Girl And Her Pink Backpack

Grit & Honey