I’m up early because I’m back to getting my morning run/walk/run in before sunrise. So I can linger over our coffee today, because I feel like I already accomplished a lot already for the morning. Yay for good decisions!
If we were having coffee, it would be on the sofa of truth…it looks like it might rain sometime during the day, so lets get comfy. I’m feeling an Ethiopian blend for today…as a reward for my morning run and a celebration for all the new things happening in my life. The first week of May was okay, it kinda felt like the first day of school at the office. I am on a new desk and have been trying to find my bearings in a very fast-paced and demanding environment. I’m hoping that I would settle down by next week and not feel so much anxiety hitting ‘send’ on an email. We’ll see.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that Mother’s Day still brings an ache in my chest. Five years and counting…I still miss my mother every day and tomorrow is the (dare I say it?) mother of all things spoil your mum and make sure to snap a photo of it aaaand post it on social media. Already some of the posts are making me tear up, so instead of adding to my sadness, I choose to stay off social media on the day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for all the women who are mothers or mothering children, I just wish that mine was still here to be part of the celebration.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that someone asked me at work yesterday if I would be doing anything special for my mother and I was tempted to say…yes I am, I will be taking a pretty bouquet to her grave. But it wasn’t right and my sadness is my own and the person really didn’t know. So instead I was kind and honest and said the words that still bring a catch to my throat.
I feel some guilt because the conversation just took on a sad note, so I will tell you that despite tomorrow being a wistful day for me…this particular Mother’s Day is not a sad day for my family. We are celebrating our little blessing and my sister-in-law. Praise God for all His blessings.
If we were having coffee, I’m ready for my second cup… and a change of subject so tell me about your week and your plans for the rest of today, I’ll brew while you talk.
*****#WeekendCoffeeShare is an awesome link-up where coffee (or some other awesome beverage) is being shared over great conversations.
#WeekendCoffeeShare originated at Part Time Monster:
I started the Weekend Coffee Share last year after lots of feedback and several months of writing posts that imagined a conversation with my blog readers that started with the “if we were having coffee” line. The coffee share runs on the weekends, and there aren’t a lot of rules—-posts just need to be formatted like a conversation over beverages (we’ve had tea-drinkers and cocktail-hours as well as coffee) AND be written within the past week (so you don’t need to publish on the weekend to join the link-up). The hashtag #weekendcoffeeshare is in use all weekend on Twitter and Facebook, and it is sometimes used a bit during the week as well. .~Part Time Monster