I tried NaBloPoMo back in August and failed miserably which does not bode well for this month’s attempt. However, this time around, I’ve decided to take a different approach and I’ve created a manifesto and everything.
– the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable.
Now that I’ve shared my plans for the month, all that is left is to find me some Accountability Buddies. You must be willing to call me out if I miss a day, be good cheerleaders and be totally up for coffee duty 24/7, because you never can tell when inspiration will strike.
Weirdos Welcome…we need to stick together!
All this to answer the question:
Do you think you’re more or less likely
to complete December’s NaBloPoMo?
Of course I am MORE likely to finish it…NOW!
I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of December:
You can read some awesome entries here: NaBloPoMo December.