The Fault In Our Stars

The Fault In our Stars

The Fault In our Stars

The Fault in our Stars
by John Green

My rating* – 3.9

This review contains spoilers.

Diagnosed with Stage IV thyroid cancer at 13, Hazel was prepared to die until, at 14, a medical miracle shrunk the tumours in her lungs… for now.

Two years post-miracle, sixteen-year-old Hazel is post-everything else, too; post-high school, post-friends and post-normalcy. And even though she could live for a long time (whatever that means), Hazel lives tethered to an oxygen tank, the tumours tenuously kept at bay with a constant chemical assault.

Enter Augustus Waters. A match made at cancer kid support group, Augustus is gorgeous, in remission, and shockingly to her, interested in Hazel. Being with Augustus is both an unexpected destination and a long-needed journey, pushing Hazel to re-examine how sickness and health, life and death, will define her and the legacy that everyone leaves behind.-Book Description courtesy GoodReads

When I realised the book was “a cancer book that was not a bullshit cancer book” I had to steel myself against all that I knew was going to come.

Many times during this book, I thought: Who is John Green and why does he think he can write a book like this? What authority does he have on this particular subject matter? And why use children with cancer? What’s his end game really?

There were times I felt like I was reading “A walk to Remember” if it were written by Diablo Cody. Gus and Hazel are teenagers but they don’t behave like teenagers. They act and speak like John Green. The supporting cast: parents, friends etal…all act and speak like John Green.

Thankfully, John Green is cool in his own nerdy, witty way. But let me warn you now, if you are planning on reading this book, make sure to have Google near at hand. When I say Green is a nerd…I kid you not. He expects you to know what a harmartia is or Zeno’s Tortoise Paradox. I felt like I was getting a vocabulary lesson, and when I thought about it, this is a good thing since this is a book for young adults. They could learn something reading this book. I certainly did.

I gave this book an almost 4, because it was better than ok, but not the best book ever. I liked that he made the distinction between a “cancer story” and “your story” because there is a huge difference. I also really identified with Hazel’s mother as care-giver. We the Care-givers have a really tough job and often don’t get the chance to really own what we are feeling. No matter how devastated you are, you are not the one with cancer. You are not the one who is dying. We have to put it all aside for our loved ones.

My favourite lines are:

    What a slut time is. She screws everybody.

    I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things

    That’s the thing about pain…it demands to be felt

    Grief does not change you. It reveals you.

What I didn’t like about the book, is what I liked about the book. It was pretty bittersweet because it was a sharp reminder of my own experiences with cancer. This tells me, that this is an adult story being played out by teenagers. Green also claims that it is “not a cancer book” ..but it so is. The whole draining of Hazel’s lungs (a side effect of the drug/cancer) was way too close to home for me. Green described the whole process in detail. This happened with my mother, we had to drain her lungs regularly. And it was one of the first indications that her cancer was back. The parts where Gus planned his funeral and then he had Hazel and Isaac write and share their eulogies…my mother planned her funeral down to the clothes she wanted us to wear (she wanted us all in white). At this point, I was back to thinking…what gives him the right?

It is a tear-jerker, but a lot of my tears had to do with some very adult questions these teen characters were pondering and I was thinking about them in the context of my mother and what she must have been feeling and thinking and asking herself.

Oh and there is teenage sex.

This book explores some pretty heavy stuff – love, death and living a life worth living. At the end of our lives, no matter how much time we had, we all want to know that it was worth it…our choices were worth it. Green’s end game? “A short life, can be a good life.”

*my personal quality ratings are the scores I give books on a scale of 0-5 based on my personal opinion of a book. 0 is “birdcage liner” and 5 is “off-the-hook good”

Seven Reasons Why I love Scandal

My latest addiction

My latest addiction

I must admit that I got on the Scandal train pretty late. When I heard that they were on a three-week hiatus I used the time to catch up on creator Shonda Rhimes hit show, and here is why Thursday is now my new favourite:

1. Olitz.

“The course of true love, never did run smooth.” I love these two people together and I love them apart. Together, there is that smoldering chemistry that is oh so forbidden and apart…they’re going through their daily lives but you just know that they’re thinking about each other. I am a sucker for romance and this is my kinda romance. Passionate. Fiery. Devastating. Explosive. They go hard for each other, only he’s married. He has three kids…and he’s the POTUS. Soooo this is also a story full of jealousy, anger, frustration, sadness and fear. I never thought I’d root for “the other woman” but Olivia and Fitz…DAMN I’ll root for that love and the clip below depicts everything I love about the two of them together.

2. Olivia’s style.

She has wine clothes people! WINE CLOTHES!!! I want her style. I want her entire wardrobe. Her suits are impeccable, her accessories are delicate and feminine. Strong lines with soft touches and high heels for the office. Her home attire is soft and silky almost as if she sheds the “powerful fixer persona” as soon as she walks through her front door. I. Want. Her. Style!!! Here’s what Kerry Washington had to say about Olivia Pope’s wardrobe below:

Yummy Gladiator in a suit!  Photo credit:

Yummy. Just Yummy.
Photo courtesy:

3. Gladiators in suits.

Two words: Columbus Short. I love me some Harrison. But it isn’t just Harrison. It’s the team: Huck, Abby, Quinn and well Harrison who make up Pope & Associates that takes the show to the next level. Each character has a story. They all have a shady past. They are capable of anything. And yet they are all so human and none of them including Olivia are meant to be role models. Their team is more like a family. You have Huck big brother/mentoring Quinn, which I’m loving cuz Quinn was a little too whiny for far too long. Abby is smart, snarky and immature but will follow Olivia over a cliff and my eye candy Harrison is Olivia’s lieutenant. I love how Olivia seems to genuinely care about each one of them. On the real tho, they can literally clean up any mess and that has to cost. There was a scene in Season 1 where they were paid by cheque and I squinted to see the value on it. I often wonder how much they’re being paid…cuz damn Olivia can dress!

4. Cyrus.

White House Chief of Staff. Olivia’s mentor, friend and nemesis at times. Husband, who put a hit out on his own husband to save his old ass from going to jail but called it off at the very last second. Father, who adopted a baby to keep said husband home ‘barefoot and proverbially (obviously) pregnant’. Wannabe president. Political Animal. I love Cyrus Beene.

5. Mellie.

FLOTUS. She hates babies but has 3 of her own. An incredibly smart Southern Belle, who can give a blow job while wearing pearls. She craves power and wants to be President.

Mellie: [to Cyrus] You’re supposed to hate the woman. Isn’t that the standard trope? The seductress, the slut, the tramp who led your man astray. And I do. I loathe Olivia Pope. But it’s a boring sort of hate. Uninteresting, cliché’. It’s hard to even get my back into it. But…Fitz? I found him. I cleaned him up after that monster who raised him damaged his spirit. I am the one who told him he was someone. I am the one who cheered him on and listened to him ramble about his hopes and his dreams. I am the one who focused him. I did all the work. I did all the work and now she gets to reap the benefits? No. No, I made him. He exists because I say he exists.

6. Tom.

Secret Service Agent assigned to Fitz. Sucker for a good love story perhaps? Working on a tell-all book or just a POTUS PIMP? Tom is the one who gave Fitz the photos of Olivia and Edison…after he had given the order to cease surveillance on her. Check out the clip below to see why Tom is in my good books. HA!

7. It’s just damn good TV.

Secrets. Politics. Round table deals. Suspense. Murder. Lies. The stress. The heartache it causes me. I love it all. This is escape TV at its best. My mother had Knots Landing. I have Scandal. Do I care that Fitz is a murderer? Nope! Verna was on her way out anyway. Do I endorse adultery in real life? NO! Do I like Huck getting his ‘Dexter’ on and teaching Quinn how to as well…hell yeah! This is what entertainment is all about and I will willingly nay…excitedly take a ride into Shonda’s world every Thursday.

Join me?

What does Love look like?

1 Corinthians 13:4

1 Corinthians 13:4

Love is more than “the One”.

Love will not read my mind nor will Love finish my sentences.

Love breaks down my walls and exposes the parts of me that are in need of growth.

Love challenges me to grow, it pushes me beyond your limits.

Love is showing up for the challenge.

Love is self-awareness.

Love moves me toward transformation and causes me to evolve.

Love is a blaze of passion that never goes out, though it may burn slow and low…red hot glowing embers quickly ignite with an intentional spark.

Love is soul fire.

Love has no end; thus, my relationships are divine appointments that will teach me about myself when I am open to the lessons. They won’t last forever.

My Odyssey with Love

True love is one-way traffic. It’s a pure flow of giving and expecting nothing in return. Anything else is a contract. Notice how whenever you allow love to flow you are always clear, calm and strong. It is only when the thought arises, “What have they given me in return?” that there is confusion and resentment. Ego transacts, love transforms. Life is too short for all these meticulous contracts and transactions. Remain clear, remain bright, and remain strong. Love without expectation.
– Marc and Angel

I’ve been hurt. A lot.

I’ve had expectations. Too numerous for my own sanity.

Love without Expectation.

Is this even possible?

Valentine’s Day came and went, how many of you had expectations?

How many of you were disappointed and sad?

There are those of us who understand that this love thing is a 365 day celebration.

It requires every day action.


As I continue my journey with my one little word for 2013 TRUTH, I’ve realized that I’ve come to a place where I can say thank you for the love lessons. I’ve had positive and negative experiences and what I’ve learned from both is to:

    1. Always speak the truth
    2. Keep my heart open
    3. Forgive
    4. Let go
    5. Love

This is my post Valentine’s Day message. Forgive. Let go. Love.

People are so afraid of saying “I love you” sometimes. I’ve found that saying it does not make you vulnerable. Saying “I love you” is empowering. It’s freeing. Love is freedom…in all our relationships.

I read somewhere that Happiness is Freedom. Yes, Happiness is freedom…and freedom is being honest.

My one little word TRUTH directs how I present what is in my heart. Truth allows me to open up. My Truth may not always be pretty or what people want to hear…but it has to be expressed. Only then can I be truly free to be me.

And in turn, I must accept TRUTH when it presents itself to me. I must be open to the TRUTH in others and allow that truth to be expressed.

Especially when it’s not what I want to hear. This has been the lesson for February. To accept truth as it is. Not how I wish it to be.

I started this journey with so many plans, hopes and dreams and while I’ve not yet reached where I intended…I’ve been blessed to always be where I’m needed.

I believe that I am love. I AM LOVE.

Every encounter is a divine encounter. I give love and I shine my light and every person I meet has a light to shine for me.

So Thank You for the lessons and I love you.

Love without expectation.

Love without expectation?

I challenge you all, as I challenge myself, to Love without expectation.

Look out for my next update on March 15th. To read updates from other bloggers click here!

Day 24 – Drowning in Love

Sinking Ship

I will go down with this ship

Today’s affirmation:

My heart is wounded and my mind is muddled, help me find healing in giving today.

I’m pretty much going through the motions today. I had to be at work on a Saturday, so that does not improve my mood. Big Love is on my mind. The words of this song was all I could think of:

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won’t put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I’m in love and always will be
– Dido

You will see me write this over and over, “BIG love is never easy”. That’s because it is hard to find and when you do…that’s not the end of it, it takes work. HARD WORK! Loving someone is easily the best gift you can give. You can choose to be cynical about it, fear it, underestimate it or you can be open to it and share it with the world. Speaking your true feelings is scary as hell and while it makes you vulnerable, it also empowers you. When you speak your truth, when you walk in the light, there is nothing but love. The downside is when you speak your truth and the person you’re speaking it to is not ready to hear it.

Rejection is not easy. It can leave you questioning everything. It’s hard in the thick of hurting to be conscious to the fact that the rejection is about the other person. Not you. They are preventing love. They have closed themselves off from receiving that which you want to give. They must want it. You cannot love them enough to change. They must do their own work. All you can control is how you deal with you and your emotions. You have to do your own work. Speak your truth always. Love yourself enough and when you are ready for love, it will come.

So I had all this on my mind and really wasnt feeling for company but my sister insisted I come spend some time with her. I decided that will be my gift. Spending time with her, turned into a family get-together at a beach house. Being around my family, reminded me that there is real love in my life. And that’s all that matters really, the love that we do have.