2016: Let’s Start This Off Right



It’s January 02nd loves – how are you feeling? I’m relishing this quiet time after all the new year hype…it’s like I’m in a little bubble enjoying making all my plans and “real life” will start back up again on Monday.

For now, in this weekend respite…I’m just filled with gratitude to be here. It’s 2016 baby. This is the future! We made it. As I write this, I’m sipping some wine, my favourite candle is lit – a wonderful blend of eucalyptus and spearmint – and I cannot help but be thankful to God for showing me that all that I seek is coming to me.

I am thankful for all the dreams I don’t have to close my eyes to see anymore. I am so thankful for what is right now. I am thankful for this cozy state of isness…this state of gratitude. It is in this warm, loved-up place I settle in to share with you my One Word for 2016. View Post

#BlogHer15 – The Aftermath

IMG_20150720_165638So apparently re-entry post #BlogHer15 conference is a thing (there is a hashtag and everything). Nobody told me about this, so that I could be prepared. I’m freaking exhausted. My brain is totally exhausted and so is my body.

I thought flying home early Monday morning and taking the rest of the day off from work would have been enough recovery time…boy was I wrong about that one. It’s Thursday and I’m still exhausted. I don’t even want to know how the event team is feeling.

How do you get back to your regular routine? My brain is on overload from all the good stuff I learned, the connections I made and just the awesomeness of being in a place where everybody was speaking the same language. And I haven’t even sorted through all the business cards and notes I took yet.

I know I promised a re-cap post for today…but damn I need more time. My brain is fried. Forgive me.

To my #BlogHer15 veterans, what’s your post-conference routine?

Please help an exhausted newbie out and share in the comments.

Five Minute Friday: Give


I’m linking up again this week with the lovely Kate and the other awesome writers of the Five Minute Friday community.

Click on the button to the right for more details on what this challenge is all about and how you can participate.


You know it’s time to make some changes, when the KFC delivery guy calls you ‘Vern’.

True Story.

It happened last night.

He also gave me some shade for wanting Pepsi instead of the apple flavored soft drink.

Want to know the saddest part of this whole mole hill I’m making into a mountain for the purposes of a Five Minute Friday story? And no it isn’t the heart attack waiting to happen or the fact that I don’t have KFC all that often I swear or that I don’t even know the delivery guy’s first name…

The saddest part about this story is that I wanted to tweet that first sentence, typed it out and agonized over hitting send for far too long, deleted it…and then Five Minute Friday came along and I turned it into a blog post.


Because I love writing about the minutiae of my life read the words over and over and came the realization that I’m not really all that funny and I really, really didn’t want people knowing just how much KFC I consume on twitter. Aaaaand I was more than a little worried that KFC’s social media manager will somehow ‘see’ the tweet and respond – like Cinnabon did.

Sometimes I feel like I’m doing this writing thing wrong. I over think everything. Even tweets! I write, and rewrite and then re-write some more and still the post will sit in my Drafts folder for ages. I’m going to hit publish on this piece, simply because I feel like I need to give myself a break sometimes and not be so serious all the time.

I suppose that’s what writing for five minutes is all about. Do you agree?


I ran out of time and did some proofreading after the five minutes were up.

Virtual Blog Tour Revisited

Hey loves!

A few weeks ago, I posted my response to being nominated for A Virtual Blog Tour about my creative process. Part of the tour involves passing the ‘baton’ and I nominated three other bloggers to do the same and post their responses today. I’m super excited that Vikera, from Vikera’s Mind Maze, was able to accept the nomination.

In her response, Vikera takes us on a little trip into the Mind Maze. Fairly new to the blogging world, Vikera shares with us why she blogs and what spurs her to continue.

A very talented writer, Vikera, blogs about her perspective on life with such authenticity and humor it’s hard not to like her little patch of the internet. She also shares great advice and tips on “how to get out of debt’.

So if you have some time today and would like to explore the Mind Maze for a bit, why not check out her blog and see for yourself? Trust me you won’t be disappointed!

Quote of the Day


Read, enjoy, share.

Anytime, anywhere.

{Linking back to http://VernetteOutLoud.wordpress.com is appreciated.}