BBQ: All things Rara

You start a blog for many reasons, but what they don’t tell you is that once you start blogging and people start reading and you start reading other blogs, you don’t know when it happens but suddenly you are part of a family of mostly strangers you come to love almost as much as (and in some cases) more than your real family. It is one of the unexpected and beautiful surprises about blogging and that for me…has been one of the reasons I keep doing it. Because with this family, I can be truly me…moles (I have least 6 at last count) and all…no judgement.

This week my blogging family was plunged into sadness…anger…for me it was mostly denial. One of my absolute favourite bloggers Rarasaur, was unjustly sent to jail. She was falsely charged for a crime she did not commit, but with no resources to defend herself, she will now spend a year in prison.

Bloggers for Peace

She is a giver, a teacher, a peacemaker. I am joining with another member of this family of bloggers I have come to love: Kozo Hattori and I am also asking you to “reach into your hearts and give to help one of the greatest peacemakers in the blogosphere”. You can donate to her freedom fund by clicking here:

I am dedicating this week’s BBQ and Bloggers for Peace post to Rara. I wish you peace, light and love and I pray that this too will be the past and you will have your new beginning.

BBQ - 11.01.14

We are well into 2014. How are those intentions you set at the beginning of the year when everything was all shiny and new going? How has your One Word, affected your journey thus far? Wait…do you even remember your one word or theme for 2014? How about your resolutions? How are things going on that front?

Are you feel discouraged because maybe you bit off more than you can chew, or maybe you’re just lazy? Some of us are waiting on Monday to start, because you cannot start a gym program on a Saturday obviously. Or maybe you’re waiting for the beginning of June, because who can start that project on the 10th of the month right? Might as well enjoy the old habits for a little while longer.

Like Rara said here, “Everyone wants to start with a bang! They want to see results in moments, or they wait to start until they’re at the starting place.”

Guess what…the starting place is right now. You can begin today, right now, right where you are, just as you are.

So my lovelies, will you start again? Or for the first time?

Right where you are today?

No fireworks…bangs, crackles or pops?

I posted this back in January and the words are as true today as they were five months ago.


I’m participating in this super cool series created by Kozo over at If you haven’t heard about it please click here to read more.


Do you want to be part of this
yummilicious BBQ?
Here’s how you do it:

    Take a quotation from a favourite blogger
    Create a BBQ post with the quotation
    Link back to the blogger you quoted
    Tag your post BBQLUV
    Link to other BBQLUV posts (optional)

Yup! It’s that simple.

The Shroud of Two Rings

I have been working in my own little bubble for more than 4 years.

It was what I needed at the time.

When my mother died, I needed space. During her decline, there was no room for dealing with my own feelings. So after she died I needed time to process everything I had pushed deep down inside for months.

I was so grateful for the peace and quiet at work. I was in my own space and my supervisor pretty much left me up to my own devices. He really trusted me to work on my own.

I was grateful for this safe haven. Because there was no way I could have faced an office full of people, acting like life goes on, when my world was never going to be the same. I would have lost it. I know that is a luxury that many people don’t have and the fact that I had this haven is something I will be forever grateful for.

So in my own little cocoon I worked.

I started the process of facing what I was feeling and started dealing with my grief.

I went inward.

I healed. Slowly.

This however had an unfortunate side-effect.

The rest of my unit and the wider department formed their own opinions of my “hermit behaviour”. They saw it as me being a bitch or…not liking people. Which if I’m honest is not entirely false. Either opinion that is.

However, I didn’t particularly care what anybody thought.

I worked well. I worked hard.

I worked alone.

But like everything else in this life…ALL THAT IS ABOUT TO CHANGE.

On February 03rd, I will MOVE to a new department. Not only is it going to be on a floor full of people, I will be expected to be team lead in a unit of men.

Funny enough, my One Word for 2014 is MOVE.

However, when I set my intentions for 2014, I expected a move of some sort…but no way did I see this one coming and I am not entirely sure that I am ready. Be careful what you wish for…right!

But guess what, there is a time for everything.

My time for being silent is over.

Now it’s time to be seen and be heard.

It is time to shed The Shroud of Two Rings. Which is the name my supervisor gave my moods. And yes he told me that this is the name he gave the almost impenetrable hard exterior I usually wear to work.

And no, I’m not mad at him.

He has actually been really understanding and patient with me. I will forever be grateful for the space he allowed me to just be me.

The other side of the coin is that this has been my struggle all week: Being truly me and feeling pangs of…will that be enough?

Will my reputation for being a ball-buster help me here? Time will tell.

But for 2014…I’m liking unpredictable endings. So far.

BBQ: Begin

BBQ - 11.01.14

You’ve set your intentions, chosen your One Word, or made your resolutions. Then it’s 11 days into 2014 and those intentions are kaput…or you may have already ditched your resolutions or started to feel a little down because you didn’t go to the gym at least 3 days a week, like you promised yourself you would for 2014.

Maybe you bit off more than you can chew, maybe you’re just lazy? Some of us are waiting on Monday to start, because you cannot start a gym program on a Saturday obviously. Or maybe you’re waiting for the beginning of February, because who can start that project on the 11th of the month right? Might as well enjoy the old habits for a little while longer.

Like Rara said here, “Everyone wants to start with a bang! They want to see results in moments, or they wait to start until they’re at the starting place.”

Guess what…the starting place is right now. You can begin today, right now, right where you are, just as you are.

So my lovelies, will you start again? Or for the first time?

Right where you are today?

No fireworks…bangs, crackles or pops?


I’m participating in this super cool series created by Kozo over at If you haven’t heard about it please click here to read more.


Do you want to be part of this
yummilicious BBQ?
Here’s how you do it:

    Take a quotation from a favourite blogger
    Create a BBQ post with the quotation
    Link back to the blogger you quoted
    Tag your post BBQLUV
    Link to other BBQLUV posts (optional)

Yup! It’s that simple.

BBQ: Make Mistakes

This is my first BBQ for 2014 and I’m serving up the goodness a bit differently. My quote today didn’t come from just one blog…for the last couple days, some of my favourite bloggers have quoted one of my absolute favourite writers. And I thought to myself that this is the best goshdarn? BBQ to start 2014.

Make Mistakes

If you’re in the mood for seconds, you can watch Neil’s address to the University of the Arts (Phl) Class of 2012 here.

So my lovelies, what are you creating? 4 days into 2014, have you considered what you want for yourself…for your blog in the year ahead?

If you’re in the business of creating art in whatever glorious form it takes…then this BBQ is from my heart to yours!


I’m participating in this super cool series created by Kozo over at If you haven’t heard about it please click here to read more.


Do you want to be part of this
yummilicious BBQ?
Here’s how you do it:

    Take a quotation from a favourite blogger
    Create a BBQ post with the quotation
    Link back to the blogger you quoted
    Tag your post BBQLUV
    Link to other BBQLUV posts (optional)

Yup! It’s that simple.

This time next year…


Building the future.
Credit: Ariosvaldo Gonzáfoles

Excellence can be obtained if you care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical, expect more than others think is possible. – Unknown

Today’s daily prompt asks us to look towards the future. This time next year, I want my blog to be the place where I:

    Published 195+ posts. I only published 95 in 2013. I commit to writing 100+ more posts in 2014.
    Guest posted on 2 blogs I love to read. That means I have to write something so fantastically epic that someone will publish it on their blog. TWICE!!! *fingers aaand toes crossed*
    Wrote so well the Freshly Pressed gods smiled on me. *my secret dream of dreams that I sprinkle glitter on every time I think about it {{sigh}}}*
    Increased my views. On my best blogging day I had 246 views. In 2014 I will write so much epic shit that number will double…triple if I’m really really good.
    Most importantly created a space that is a true expression of me. I shared the good, the bad and the badass and people still came back for more.

…only 363 more days to go!