This time next year…


Building the future.
Credit: Ariosvaldo Gonzáfoles

Excellence can be obtained if you care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical, expect more than others think is possible. – Unknown

Today’s daily prompt asks us to look towards the future. This time next year, I want my blog to be the place where I:

    Published 195+ posts. I only published 95 in 2013. I commit to writing 100+ more posts in 2014.
    Guest posted on 2 blogs I love to read. That means I have to write something so fantastically epic that someone will publish it on their blog. TWICE!!! *fingers aaand toes crossed*
    Wrote so well the Freshly Pressed gods smiled on me. *my secret dream of dreams that I sprinkle glitter on every time I think about it {{sigh}}}*
    Increased my views. On my best blogging day I had 246 views. In 2014 I will write so much epic shit that number will double…triple if I’m really really good.
    Most importantly created a space that is a true expression of me. I shared the good, the bad and the badass and people still came back for more.

…only 363 more days to go!


  1. January 2, 2014 / 7:04 pm

    Awesome list! That would be my list, too, if I were only organized enough with my thoughts 🙂

    But you’re so right about writing epic shit. May we all write those and then some more for 2014!

    • vernette
      January 2, 2014 / 7:05 pm

      Here’s to writing epic shit 😉

  2. January 2, 2014 / 7:15 pm

    246 views? You are my hero! I believe you can do whatever is in your heart to do, my dear!

    • vernette
      January 2, 2014 / 7:19 pm

      *puts on cape* 😉 As I you Vikki. 2014 will be great!

      • January 2, 2014 / 7:42 pm

        Thank you kindly! On my best day, I had 29 views but then again, today is my one-month anniversary of blogging, so I will take that as encouraging! hahaha..when I saw you had HUNDREDS of views…I was and am super impressed!

        I look forward to the magic!

        • vernette
          January 2, 2014 / 7:45 pm

          There are days I barely have 10 views. You’ve only been at this for a month and you are doing WELL! I look forward to reading more from you. Magic indeed!!!

  3. January 2, 2014 / 9:39 pm

    Great list you have. Good luck in all you do and may light and love be yours always. Also, thank you for following my blog, I truly appreciate it! Now I will return the favor and follow yours!

    • vernette
      January 2, 2014 / 9:40 pm

      Thank you kindly Jackie! I really appreciate you stopping by and following. All the best again to you in 2014.

  4. January 12, 2014 / 6:31 pm

    Thank you Vernette for liking my post.

  5. February 17, 2015 / 8:57 pm

    Write epic shit: That is a solid goal.

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