BBQ: Make Mistakes

This is my first BBQ for 2014 and I’m serving up the goodness a bit differently. My quote today didn’t come from just one blog…for the last couple days, some of my favourite bloggers have quoted one of my absolute favourite writers. And I thought to myself that this is the best goshdarn? BBQ to start 2014.

Make Mistakes

If you’re in the mood for seconds, you can watch Neil’s address to the University of the Arts (Phl) Class of 2012 here.

So my lovelies, what are you creating? 4 days into 2014, have you considered what you want for yourself…for your blog in the year ahead?

If you’re in the business of creating art in whatever glorious form it takes…then this BBQ is from my heart to yours!


I’m participating in this super cool series created by Kozo over at If you haven’t heard about it please click here to read more.


Do you want to be part of this
yummilicious BBQ?
Here’s how you do it:

    Take a quotation from a favourite blogger
    Create a BBQ post with the quotation
    Link back to the blogger you quoted
    Tag your post BBQLUV
    Link to other BBQLUV posts (optional)

Yup! It’s that simple.

This time next year…


Building the future.
Credit: Ariosvaldo Gonzáfoles

Excellence can be obtained if you care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical, expect more than others think is possible. – Unknown

Today’s daily prompt asks us to look towards the future. This time next year, I want my blog to be the place where I:

    Published 195+ posts. I only published 95 in 2013. I commit to writing 100+ more posts in 2014.
    Guest posted on 2 blogs I love to read. That means I have to write something so fantastically epic that someone will publish it on their blog. TWICE!!! *fingers aaand toes crossed*
    Wrote so well the Freshly Pressed gods smiled on me. *my secret dream of dreams that I sprinkle glitter on every time I think about it {{sigh}}}*
    Increased my views. On my best blogging day I had 246 views. In 2014 I will write so much epic shit that number will double…triple if I’m really really good.
    Most importantly created a space that is a true expression of me. I shared the good, the bad and the badass and people still came back for more.

…only 363 more days to go!

My One Word 2014


This is my second year doing my One Word 365. I gave up making resolutions last year. What’s this all about? You can read more about the movement here. You can also read about the impact my one word:Truth had on my journey through 2013.


My One Word for 2014 iiiisss:
*drum roll please*


Walking in truth for 2013 helped me shed the ideas that were no longer propelling me towards my best self.

I’ve already set my intentions for 2014 here and here. Now it’s time to make it happen.

What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. – Ralph Marston

Set Intention.

Take the next simple step forward.



Lord, as I begin a new year, begin something new in my relationship with You. I give my life to You. I need You to move in my heart today. Because I can’t achieve any of this without You. Amen.

I will share the evolution of this journey on the 15th of every month. So stay tuned for my next update on January 15th.

Once again Melanie Moore of the lovely blog Only A Breath is gifting fellow bloggers from her heart. If you want to create an awesome custom image of your One word like the One Word button in my sidebar please click here. A special, special thank you to Melanie for this lovely gift.

Your present circumstances don’t determine
where you can go;
they merely determine where you start.
– Nido Qubein

So folks, in the spirit of clean slates, fresh starts and new beginnings, if you could choose just one word to inspire you for 2014, what would it be?

Brainstorm and please feel free to share it with me in the comments below!


There are only a few hours left in 2013 and I’m so proud of me for having stuck with Blogher’s NaBloPoMo December. I started this journey with a Gratitude post and I am ending on that note as well.


I got to feel the sun on my skin. I made peace with the past. I cried. I lit a candle for all that was and for all that is yet to come. I lived to see today. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring and in this moment I am whole and happy.

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. – Jim Rohn

As I sit here toasting all that went down in 2013, I keep asking myself…if the life I’m creating by the choices I’m making propelling me towards my best self? I think I stuck to the Manifesto I created for 2013. I walked in Truth and now my heart is bigger, busted wide open and ready even more Love. I am a better version of me and I truly love the woman I am growing into. As I think about those choices that led me to this moment and with a full heart, I set my intention for MORE in 2014. I want:

More of what counts.

More of what is important to me. The people I love. I plan to tell them every chance I get. Starting with the family lime we usually have on New Year’s Day. I am so lucky to still have the chance to tell them.

More Writing.

After writing inconsistently for most of the year because I’m lazy for all kinds of reasons, I finally turned things around by successfully completing this month’s NaBloPoMo challenge. I am proud to say I wrote/posted in this space every day for December. *throws confetti* Thank you for reading!

More Travel.

This year I visited New York City, D.C., Virginia, Grenada and St Vincent. I have been bitten by the travel bug hard. I am craving new experiences. So next year, I plan to go much further, I already have four trips planned and I am super excited about them!

More time with my Cohort of Awesome.

I haven’t been very good at keep in touch with my family and friends who live afar…this is anybody who does not live in my neighbourhood. I know, I know! Thankfully my sister and brother live within a few blocks of me. My sister is the family whisperer though. She knows everything that’s happening with everybody. While I don’t think I can get to her level of social prowess, in 2014 I plan to do better than I’ve done this year. These are the people who make this journey of mine worthwhile. I need to make sure they know I appreciate them.

More self-care.

You know how when you fly on an airplane, the flight attendant instructs you to put your oxygen mask on first, before helping others? Do you know why this is an important rule for ensuring survival? You put on your oxygen mask first, because if you run out of oxygen, you can’t help anyone else with their mask. I had a massage last week and when the masseuse got to my shoulders and neck we both could feel the knots. It was p a i n f u l. She immediately said to me that this is my health I’m playing with. Why was I carrying so much stress? If something happens to me…because I allowed stress to make me sick, guess what…I can’t help anybody and life will go on without me. I CHOOSE to be here to celebrate life in 2014. Bring on those massages!

The biggest lesson I’ve learned this year is that Happiness is not a destination, it’s a journey and it’s one that you begin from within. It is simply doing the things every single day that move you closer to your best possible self.

Happy New Year to all of you. I wish you only the best.

Light & Love.


I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of December:


You can read some awesome entries here: NaBloPoMo December

I want less…

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” – Albert Einstein

I gave my microwave to a close friend who was moving into her first apartment a few months ago. Instead of replacing it, I got a toaster oven instead. What would have taken 2 minutes in the microwave now takes 15 minutes…and I couldn’t be happier. We live in an instant gratification” age and the fact that I have to spend a little time waiting for something to toast or warm up is teaching me patience. In 2014 I want less haste.

My apartment is just the right size for me. I have just enough space to teach me the difference between wants and needs. I am learning to only buy/keep only the things that bring me pleasure and to say no to the non-essentials. In 2014 I want less of the unnecessary.

On vacation in October, I had chocolate cake and it made me sick. I threw up every last bite. It definitely didn’t taste as good the second time around. I had no choice but to finally admit it to myself…chocolate makes me sick. Yes…sometimes all the world’s problems can be solved with a piece of dark chocolate…but it’s not worth the migraines and nausea anymore. I need to find a less painful way to solve the world’s problems. In 2014 I want less chocolate and sugar.

I was at a wedding on Saturday. It was the union of two young people I grew up with. The ceremony was held in the church we all grew up in. The church I stopped going to after mummy died…because it held too many memories. Since her funeral, my sister and brother got married there, we also had Luke’s farewell Mass there as well. It’s a mixture of happy and sad. But something happened to me during the wedding ceremony of my friends. The church felt like home. And I missed the community. I want a church community where everybody knows my name… In 2014 I want less just-a-face-in-the-crowd kinda worship.

“The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.” – Socrates

As 2013 is slips away, what would you like less of in 2014?


I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of December:


You can read some awesome entries here: NaBloPoMo December