
I’m killing two birds with one stone today. I’m using today’s Daily Prompt to complete my NaBloPoMo post today.

If I were stuck on a deserted island the 5 items I’d want to have:

1. My Kindle. I thought about this in last four minutes of writing and realized that I’ll burn through the battery in no time. So not my kindle. I’ll bring a water bottle instead.

2. A knife or machete – I could protect myself, feed myself and shelter myself with this one.

3. Matches – Until I develop the patience to rub two sticks together I’ll need some help. A jumbo box of matches will help with building fires to alert passing boats.

4. A blanket – I went camping once on a small island off Trinidad some years ago and when the sun went down, that breeze coming off the ocean was deadly. I’ll need to be warm and a blanket will shelter me from the sun too.

5. A pair of crocs – I’ll need to explore said island and my feet need to be protected.

My phone rang and interrupted my last two minutes. So I’m using my last five minutes to complain about how the loud ticking of my timer was a distraction. I felt rushed trying to think and write coherently for 10 minutes. I was tempted to use “text speak” shortening my words. And I admit that I think I cheated using the Daily Prompt. Oh and I still want to take my Kindle. Even though the battery will die after 4 hours…I’ll be happy reading for 4 hours. And the timer buzzing literally shocked my brain and made me jump outta my skin!


I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge for the month of December:


You can read some awesome entries here: NaBloPoMo December.

Weekly Photo Challenge: From lines to patterns

Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside

Fort Charlotte

I took this photo at Fort Charlotte while on vacation in St Vincent. This fort was constructed in 1806, and there are some really breath-taking views of Kingstown. I was simply amazed that most of the canons at the fort face inland. I asked our tour guide about it and he explained that they were used to defend against Caribs. They really were a violent, hot-tempered feisty bunch. God Bless my Carib roots.

Weekly Photo Challenge: An Unusual POV

Island living affords one many opportunities to capture the quintessential palm tree swaying in the ocean breeze. I must say I have plenty shots of palm trees. The one below was taken while I sat on a beach in Tobago last year…enjoying the sun, sand and sea. I looked up and that’s what I saw…beautiful isn’t it?

looking up...

looking up…


Are you looking for a challenge or in need of some inspiration? Then WordPress has something great for you. Check out the Blog Events Listings and get those creative juices flowing!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Sea

I have a love/hate relationship with the ocean. This is kinda sad because I live on island. The sea is all around me.

I watched someone die earlier this year after he got into difficulty in the water. Since that happened, I have avoided getting into the water.

But despite that horrible memory, I love the ocean. I love being near it, hearing the calming crash of the waves and nothing beats a sunset or sunrise at sea. The photos in my gallery are from a hiking trip to the north-eastern corner of Trinidad, which is called Matelot.