7 for Seven

Boy was today a Monday-feeling Monday!

I felt like I was in a fog all day and this is with three cups of coffee. Upside is that despite fog in my brain, there is much to be grateful for.

…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~ Key + Arrow

7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and here are my 7 positives for this week:

Another day. Today I want to give thanks and celebrate each and every step forward, backward, sideways even…that has brought me closer to the me I was created to be.

Sunday Lunch courtesy my sister. Working on a Sunday in never ever cool. I am blessed with a sister who not only cooks Sunday lunch like mummy used to but shares that lunch with me.

Celebrating a milestone with my cousin. Moving into your first home is always a great accomplishment, more so when you are building your dream home. My cousin hosted the family for his house-warming and it felt great to be able to share in his happiness.

Rainy days. I love the rain, it makes for sleep-ins, cuddles and hot coffee. Some of my favourite things.

There is always a way. It’s easy to fall into a funk when things aren’t going all that great, but I have been blessed in the last week with hope. Every time I thought it was time to throw in the towel, something or someone happened to shine a light on the way forward. I am keeping hope alive.

Side hustles. Here’s to side hustles becoming the main hustle. I’m working hard to make that happen and the little wins along the way keep me going.

Morning rituals. When you find that morning ritual that works for you, it really changes your life.

And there you have it. Short and pretty sweet. My hope is that by turning my focus to all that I have to be grateful for at the start of my work week, by sowing my own seeds of faith and gratitude, I can carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead. Hmmm I do feel better!

If you’re reading this, this is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire. What made you happy today? What are you grateful for? I would love to hear from you.

7 for Seven

Hello Loves!

…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~ Key + Arrow

7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and here are my 7 positives for this week:

My brother. Jane Austen hit the nail on the head when she said, “What strange creatures brothers are.” Mine is the strangest, weirdest, handsomest, bestest brother I could ever ask for. We added another candle to his cake this week and I am so very grateful that God chose him to help light my journey on this earth. I am truly blessed.

Answered prayers. When you ask for something and then get confirmation from the most unexpected source that it has been answered…that. That feeling.

Random coffee dates. I love coffee. But I love having a great conversation over a good cup of coffee even more. I was blessed with both this week.

Airline ticket sales. Hello Vacation. I see you.

Sangria. Because wine.

November. Almost every day in the month of November is someone’s birthday in my family. The fact that these birthdays coincide with our Carnival which is usually celebrated exactly 9 months prior is not lost on me either. That my family loves a celebration is an understatement. Needless to say this is going to be a hectic month of festivities since last week alone we celebrated five birthdays. So cheers to the most celebrated month in my family. (FYI: My sister is also November-born.)

A gym at work. I am so grateful for the gym at work. November into Christmas into Carnival is a series of drinks, food, birthday cake…lots of birthday cake and little will-power. Thank the Lord for the gym at work to keep things balanced nicely.

And there you have it. Short and pretty sweet. My hope is that by turning my focus to all that I have to be grateful for at the start of my work week, by sowing my own seeds of faith and gratitude, I can carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead. Hmmm I do feel better!

If you’re reading this, this is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire. What made you happy today? What are you grateful for? I would love to hear from you.

7 for Seven

Hello November!

As the year begins to wind down I cannot help but want to get to the point at the end of the road where I would have already achieved/completed the things I am currently working on. Sometimes this waiting, all the little steps in between can be a bit of a downer and I really begin to feel it when the year is coming to a close. I wonder if it is the same for other people?

It is a real struggle sometimes to savour all parts of the journey and not just the final destination. So I started today’s post on a low note, hopefully by the end of it things should be looking up.

…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~ Key + Arrow

7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and here are my short and sweet 7 positives for this week:

Pepper Jack Cheese. There is just something about pepper Jack that takes scrambled eggs to the next level. It makes my tummy happy every time.

Friends who surprise me with happy news. So one of my friends insisted that we meet for brunch this week and as it turned out she had some very happy news to share. She’s going to have another baby! And it’s a girl! Yay for girls!

Attending TEDx Port of Spain. TEDx Port of Spain celebrated its 4th year this last weekend and I was fortunate to be able to attend this year. 11 fantastic ‘talks’ and fabulous company later…this is something I will not be missing. Attending TEDx Port of Spain every year is now on my Life List.

Being back in a classroom. The path to “success” looks very different for everybody and my path has been filled with detours, crossroads, loops and bumps but this journey has been worth it (even though sometimes I want to skip all the drama and just get to the end of the road). I have righted the course once again and that means I am back in a classroom. And it feels really good to be moving in the direction of my “ideal” life.

Binge watching Once Upon A Time. Soooooo…sometimes your potential is to complete a whole series up to the most current episode all in one sitting. Update on last week’s point about getting hooked on OUAT: I am happy to report that I wasted am current to this week’s episode and have fallen in love with all the lovely characters that make up Storybrooke. Sometimes you just need to believe in a little magic…even though it often comes at a price!

Netflix. I would just like to say that I am grateful for my Netflix subscription however, ‘another episode loading in 5….4….3…2’ is still the devil.

Quotes that inspire me. Aristotle Onassis said that, “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” I’ve been feeling a little sad lately and I am grateful to have people in my life who provide enough light for me to see my way through the darkness.

My hope is that by turning my focus to all that I have to be grateful for at the start of my work week, by sowing my own seeds of faith and gratitude, I can carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead. Hmmm I do feel better!

If you’re reading this, this is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire. What made you happy today? What are you grateful for? I would love to hear from you.

7 for Seven

Hello loves! October is winding down so fast and I cannot believe that we only have two months left in 2014. But it’s Monday so attention must be paid to all the goodness of the last week.

…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~ Key + Arrow

7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and here are my short and sweet 7 positives for this week:

Slow Cooker success. Finally! I successfully made a tasty, homey, put-my-foot-in-it-even-if-I-do-say-so-myself beef stew with my slow cooker and I have never been prouder. I was so proud I made sure to share with my sis and she concurred. It was really yummy.

Solo Movie Night. I love my own company. And sometimes you just want to take yourself to a movie, laugh a little or a lot depending on your mood, eat some cinnabon mini rolls sans judgement and then take yourself home. Done. Done and Done.

Raspberry Chocolate Truffle Coffee. This is my absolute favourite K-cup and I got me a batch from one of the kindest persons I know…to sip and savour to my heart’s content.

Holidays in the middle of the work week. three words: Bring them on!

Letting go in love. It is amazing when you realize that you can let go and you can still love. Sometimes we think that the only way to move on/forward to is to erase the Love. But Love is Love, whether it stays or leaves. And if it leaves that does not make it any less meaningful. I am grateful to have had the experience of loving and being loved in return.

My Cohort of Awesome! I am so proud of my girl IPVirgo for completing a half marathon in 2 and half hours! So inspirational and it is beyond awesome that I get to live vicariously through her.

Rainy Sundays. Sundays are already lazy days…when you add rain to the equation you get a whole day spent in bed getting hooked on Once Upon A Time. I would just like to say that “Another Episode loading in 9…8…7…6” is the devil!

My hope is that by turning my focus to all that I have to be grateful for at the start of my work week, by sowing my own seeds of faith and gratitude, I can carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead.

If you’re reading this, this is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire. What made you happy today? What are you grateful for? I would love to hear from you.

7 For Seven

Hello again loves! It’s a little late in the day I know…but it’s never too late for a gratitude list. Right?

…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.~ Key + Arrow

7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and here are my short and sweet 7 positives for this week:

Pink toenails. I have the absolute best friends. This weekend I was able to get a mani/pedi at a Spa I have been dying to visit, courtesy on of my friends. In her words, “You’re my girl, you deserve this.” So grateful.

Letting go. I was stressing over all the commitments that cropped up demanding to be satisfied this month and wondering how I will get it all done. It was overwhelming. I prayed about it, asking for a light to be shone on the answer and just like that, while I was doing something quite mundane the answer came to me. And the relief was so sweet. The minute I let it all go, and stopped worrying the answer became clear.

Scented candles. There is just something about a lit scented candle that adds luxuriousness to any room. They certainly lift my moods.

Happy Hour. It’s not what you think. Happy Hour is that hour I get all to myself before the “demands of the day” intrudes. I pray, stretch, drink my lemon water. It’s my time. And on the mornings I have to rush through it or can’t do it for whatever reason, I feel like my whole day is off. Cheers to happy hour!

A good cup of coffee! A good cup of coffee just makes it all better. Doesn’t it?

My Netflix Subscription. My cable provider blocks all the good tv shows now. Thankfully, Netflix takes up the slack. I fear, I just might be in a serious relationship with Netflix.

A hearty breakfast. I am grateful that I was able to fix a nutritious breakfast for myself all week. No cheating with donuts or pastries.

My hope is that by turning my focus to all that I have to be grateful for at the start of my work week, by sowing my own seeds of faith and gratitude, I can carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead.

If you’re reading this, this is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire. What made you happy today? What are you grateful for? I would love to hear from you.