That is how I spent my weekend.
One of my most cherished friends got married on Saturday and from the rehearsal on Thursday to the ceremony and reception on Saturday…I swear there were hearts all over the venue. I feel really blessed to have been by her side when she made her vows to the man that she loves and who clearly loves her. You know, our friends are the family we choose and each member came into my life for a special reason. I am blessed because with this elite group I can be me…the good, the bad and the crazy…no judgement. And the absolute best and most important part is that I get to give as much love as I receive. That’s the most important part to me…being allowed to give and allowing myself to receive.
The chocolate part was a Jouvert party I went to after the wedding. As it turns out, you can have your chocolate and wear it too! Instead of the usual mud and paint that goes with the Jouvert territory, in this party you wear chocolate. Trust me it smells as heavenly as it sounds…albeit decadently dirty. When you can have fun and you’re only drinking coffee (I went straight from the wedding…no sleep) you KNOW it’s a great party! I did note that while it seems more and more guys are hitting the gym hard – thank you dumb bell gods – they are unfortunately skipping Leg Days. Guys: Johnny Bravo is a cartoon for a reason! Don’t skip Leg Days!
Today is also my Brother-in-law’s birthday, so I just want to wish him a Happy Happy Birthday again. I think your week just cant get any better when you celebrate your birthday on a Monday!
…every Monday, we post seven positives from the previous seven days of the week as a reminder of what we have so that the week starts out on an upswing. There is much truth in the belief that happy people attract good things, so it is important to start the week out right. Sometimes it’s the more grand, but other times, it’s the simple things.
~ Key + Arrow
7 for Seven originated at Key + Arrow and here are my 7 positives for this week:
My hope is that by turning my focus to all that I have to be grateful for at the start of my work week, by sowing my own seeds of faith and gratitude, I can carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead.
Love is lovely people! Please feel free to share below, what made you happy today? What are you grateful for this week? I would love to hear from you.