Weekly Photo Challenge: Inspiration


Some days inspiration flows in the intimacy of coffee at sunrise, giggles over dreams and the promise of what the rest of the day might hold.

Charlotte Eriksson, sums it up perfectly, with these words:

Let me wake up next to you, have coffee in the morning and wander through the city with your hand in mine, and I’ll be happy for the rest of my effed up little life.

Where do you find your inspiration?

Why I Suck At Dating

I’ve been on three dates in the last year and five months. Yup, I know…clearly I don’t care about ticking biological clocks as someone indignantly said to me recently.

It didn’t help that I laughed in their face either. I’m at the age my mother was when she had me…and I’m the eldest. So I’m not worried folks, no need to be on my behalf. OKAY?

Right…so why do I suck at dating?

I don’t date. Ergo, I lack the skill set required or rather, I never developed the skills required to navigate these interviews for *cough* sex.

I’m lazy – I’d much rather stay at home snuggled up in my comfy bed, watching Netflix or reading a book than getting dressed up to go out with some guy and to then watch the same movie only with popcorn involved. Oh the effort!

Ugh. Small talk. I am not good at it. I will tell you pretty much everything about my day with one “how was your day”… then the guy goes all MEGO on me (you know…My Eyes Glaze Over) and I’m left thinking I’m so gauche. Awkward silence follows.

Then there is the “Oh my God…what the hell do I wear?” Too casual and I don’t care enough…dressed up…and I care too much. Where are we going? What’s appropriate? Why did I agree to this? Is it too late to cancel? Maybe. How interested am I? How much effort should I put into this outfit? Grrrr…. This line of questioning almost always brings me to…geez Vernette you need new clothes! To which, lazy Vernette whispers “you wouldn’t need new clothes if you were staying at home with your body pillow and Netflix…who BOTH love you just as you are in underwear even!” Lazy Vernette wins. Every.Single.Time.

Men People are stupid. I’m the chick who will be “set-up” on a date with a guy because we both like hiking. Then the guy is mostly silent for the duration of the “date” not even to talk about this fantastic thing that made my friend think this would be a match made in heaven. However, at the end of the night…says some crap like he’s the strong, silent type and I’m all…hmmph too late buddy! I’m already so bored and my body pillow is waiting. I mean…really? This is what I showered and used my Victoria Secret lotion for? True story by the way.

Best Behaviour Business. Have you ever been on a “first date” and felt like you were holding in a gargantuan fart the whole time? No? Just me then? Shee-it! Okay. I really do suck at this.

Holding in a fart? Most probably!

Holding in a fart? Most probably!

This post was originally published on May 18th, 2013.
Vernette still sucks at dating
but she has decided it is in her best interest…
that she farts freely going forward.

7 for SEVEN

7 for (1)

Hello Loves!!!

July is winding down and we’re getting closer and closer to the most fantastic day of the year – my birthday!!! Whoo hoo.

As it happens every year around this time, I get all reflective about the last 12 months and the experiences that have brought me to this very moment.

My 7 for this week is a (very small) compilation of few of my favourite things over the last 12 months:

Family. I am who I am today because of the support and encouragement of my family. If not for them I cannot say where I would be today. I don’t even want to think about it.

Friends. A friend of mine said to me recently that there is no such thing as an independent person. We all need something or someone – whether it is family, friends or a significant other. We all need that intimacy that comes with knowing someone you can be who you are 100%…no judgment. I am so blessed to have cultivated authentic relationships – especially over the last couple years – where I am me and that is enough. My Cohort of Awesome has been my safe place and I am grateful for all of you.

YOU. My dear reader. Jeff Goins said, “Most writers struggle with the same thing, one thought that threatens to destroy their message before it ever leaves their fingertips: what I say doesn’t matter.” This is a major fear of mine – who am I to have a blog? What do I really have to say? I struggle to even call myself a writer. But you continue to read. You continue to support. And I am grateful. Thank you.

Travel. NYC x2, London, Bristol, Miami, Washington D.C. – the travel bug bit me hard in 2015. It is has been a fantastic year for new experiences and lots and lots of good coffee. The downside is that now I crave more new experiences.

Love. One of my favourite quotes came from a Nayyirah Waheed poem,
“i am mine.
before i am ever anyone else’s.”
I am reminded every day that at the top of the list of those who Love me…is my own name.

Prayer. I thank my mother for introducing me to God and ensuring that the relationship I would eventually foster has a strong foundation. My faith has helped me through some tough moments this year.

Red Eye Sunrise. I love travelling on red eye flights. The airport is quieter. Not a lot of babies on the flight. And there is just something about starting a new day in a whole new place that is hella’ appealing to me. The absolute best part is being able to see the sun rise from the vantage point of the clouds. It is freaking amazing. I have been blessed this year to experience a few red eye sunrises. Seeing the clouds awash in the rays of the sun, heralding the dawn of a brand new day…maaan I cannot help but feel rejuvenated and ready to move forward enthusiastically toward everything the new day, another birthday and this new year has to offer.

And it is with this sentiment I greet this new year of life. I hope that by continuing to pay attention to the little things, the mundane details that make up all the blessings in my life and by sowing the seeds of faith and gratitude, I can truly carry with me and reap the rewards of “positivity + balance + bliss” throughout the days ahead and well into this new year of life.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate you! This is me blowing some glitter and confetti on you because you’re super blessed to have received the gift of another 86,400 seconds today, to spend any way you desire.

Make those seconds count!

I love hearing from you…what are you grateful today? What made you smile? Feel free to share below!


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FOLLOW ME there and say HI!!!

Kissing Frogs

A Prince you say?

I got up this morning, had my usual breakfast smoothie and then headed to the shower. As I was finishing up, there in the corner of my bath was *scream* a frog!


I think we noticed each other’s existence at the same time. I almost broke my neck trying to get away from him and in his bid to get away, the frog jumped towards me for what, the Lord alone knows.

I know I didn’t get all the soap rinsed away but that was ok because no way was I going back in there. How that frog got into the bathroom is still a mystery to me. He must have been hiding under the shower curtain and when he heard the water got curious about what was happening. *bletch*

Disney's Princess and the Frog

To kiss or not to kiss?

If Mr. Frog was my Prince Charming…ah well…he will learn never to surprise a woman in the shower like that again if he wants a happily ever after. Fortunately, I do not believe in that crap fairy tales. Hmmm okay…so that is not entirely true. I believe that other people get the fairytale ending…just not me.

Other people like my brother and sister. My sister got hers last year and now my brother is getting married too. My baby brother is getting married tomorrow! I am ecstatic and happy that he has found a love that satisfies his soul and I’m a little sad too. Mum is not here to experience this, we are truly saying goodbye to childish things and entering a new phase of adulthood – the baby is getting married and well….I am still single.

Being around all this wedding stuff again, has me doing some self-appraisal. That little frog episode could not have happened at a more appropriate time…if there is ever an appropriate time for a frog to squat in your shower WHILE you are showering that is.

What happens when you’re the frog?

Egads! Vernette, is that you?

My self-appraisal brought enough clarity for me to deduce that, while I may think I’ve been kissing royally challenged frogs (see what I did there?) the croaker is actually me. After all…who is the common denominator in all these equations?


And guess what ladies and gentlemen? I’m learning that there is nothing wrong with being a frog. We need love too. And in the interim…kisses. Lots and lots of kisses.

Damn! Kissing can cause tied tongues.

So…if you happen to kiss a frog or three and you don’t get the “fairy tale” ending, does it make the love less real? If it does not end with a ring, does it mean that it was not a strong, earth-shattering, changed-forever kinda love?

I don’t believe in fairy tales…but I do believe that if the love is real, you are changed forever. Not into a prince or princess…but a better you, warts and all.

Ribbit! Ribbet!

This post was originally published on October 26th, 2012.
Vernette is still kissing frogs on an island in the sun…
somewhere in the Caribbean.

BBQ: You are my dream girl

Man do I suck at dating.

And dating on an island with just over 1.3 million people can be damned hard at times. Everybody knows everybody…and after I factor in married men, incarcerated men, men who like men only, men who are actually ready for a relationship, the ones I’ve dated which I can count on one hand aaand my brother (is it weird that I included my brother here?)…I’m not left with that many options.

Yup sometimes things can get very bleak! That’s why today’s Beautiful Blog Quote is an important reminder that Love and Loving starts within. (Tweet this)

GGRenee, of All the Many Layers is one of my favourite bloggers. I am always inspired by her posts and interviews. On Tuesday she interviewed the lovely Isis Nezbeth and her woman to woman advice is nothing short of a diamond. You can read the whole awesome interview here.

Dream Girl 2014

GG Renee is living life her way. She is focused on “constructing the present and dreaming the future”. She is always creating and if you want to read more about her and be as inspired as I am you can click here.


I’m participating in this wonderful series created by Kozo over at everydaygurus.com If you haven’t heard about it please click here to read more.

If you want to be part of this awesomeesauce BBQ, here’s how you do it:

  • Take a quotation from a favourite blogger
  • Create a BBQ post with the quotation
  • Link back to the blogger you quoted
  • Tag your post BBQLUV
  • Link to other BBQLUV posts (optional)